
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Why The Left Needs Us All To Believe The United States Is Racist Forever

That America is a racist country is the great self-evident truth of the left and of the ruling class whose moral opinions are shaped by it. This truth is self-evident in the sense of being readily apparent to them, as evidenced by the countless disparities in life outcomes between blacks and whites. No explanation for these disparities is ever required. Their mere existence is proof of racism. 


  1. Keeping us riled up and at each other's throats make it easier to rule us.
    We need our betters to protect us that way.

    1. Correct Veeshir, a "racist" divide is the globalist elite's long game and Covid-19 is the short one. Too bad 50% of the population is too stupid to see it.

    2. The leaders of what we call the left and right get together in back rooms and tell ‘voter jokes’. They talk about how easy it is to get us at each others’ throats while they pick our pockets.

  2. The USA will stop being racist when the whites go to work and all their money goes to the blacks that do not want to work. Then after work the whites will have to return home to their shacks behind the blacks mansions. The blacks will give us scraps from their supper out the back door mind you. Only then will the USA not be racist. Those white boys go to work give us all their money then expect nutritious foods. Hard to find a good cracker these days and they all look alike.

    1. Never happen. The more money the blacks receive the more worthless they become. Since 1965 when the fedgov began giving negroes money, they have got so bad many won't even look for a job. And if they found one all they do is fuck it up.

  3. If it bugs em why not. Hey lefties ! I'm racist! I'm phobic too and I hate everybody. Whaddya gonna do about it!? lol

  4. Serious question....
    Do you know of ANYONE who hated black people simply because they had a tan or, was it more of a BEHAVIOR issue than any actual "race" or, color thing?
    I've yet to ever meet someone who hated their color but, NOT the behavior.

  5. I'm not racist. I just don't like any color other than white or green. So martians are OK by me.


  6. Anonymous - There’s the rub. The race-mongers sometimes claim that your behavior determines if you’re black..”If you vote for Trump, you ain’t black.” Then they turn around and get their panties bunched up over anyone going “blackface”...Democrat governors excluded.

  7. I'm with Kid in that I'm a racist. A HUMAN racist, or misanthrope if you prefer.

  8. Everyone I meet starts at an 100%. You either remain at the hundy mark or go down the relative percentage scale in relation to being an asshole, regardless of your creed or skin colour.

    Chutes Magoo

  9. If a black is born in America then why is is necessary to describe that person as an African-American? Aren't they simply an American? I guess my racist thinking just doesn't allow me to see things differently-or maybe I should start passing myself off as a Scottish-Dutch-American? Those fucking liberals make life so hard.

    1. Those who want to keep using that "African-American" moniker are the actual racists; anything that incites "race", such as "Black History Month" and "affirmative action" are by their structure, rayciss. The whole idea of civil rights was to make America colorblind, which it pretty much is, except for politicians who use race as a tool to get blacks stirred up.

    2. "The whole idea of civil rights was to make America colorblind"

      It was SOLD that way. The actual idea was pretty much to expand graft and government power.

  10. America is about the LEAST racist place there is.

    1. Exactly. Their side stirs it up for their benefit as previously stated but it does not change the division between the groups it just gets more press when they get to play government like obummer did.

  11. If racism occurs and no white people are around, was it really racism? We may never know for sure.

  12. I can’t wait until they morph the US......into the real Wakanda....


    Why is there not a super Wakanda in Africa.....or anywhere in today’s world....?



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