
Monday, November 02, 2020

"I'm poor white trash, Judge"

SEATTLE — The Seattle City Council is considering new legislation that would create a legal loophole that would make substance addiction, mental illness or poverty a valid legal defense for nearly all misdemeanor crimes committed in the city. 


  1. I'm nucking futs - do I get a pass?

  2. Hell yeah! Fantastic idea - hope they do it. No one is guilty, everyone is a victim, peace and paradise for all!

    Seattle is a city run by spoiled little children, products of the Public Education system. The citizens voted them in so they should all suffer the consequences. Or vote them out.

    Seattle and its septic tank sister San Francisco are the future if the “progressives” stay in power.

    1. Anyway we can just hand over that part of the state to Canada?

    2. "No one is guilty, everyone is a victim"

      Offer not applicable to whites, straights, Xtianists, etc.

    3. Easy now, there are some of us, esp in SW Wa trying to hang on, fight back and do so behind enemy lines if needed. Some of us have chosen that path for a variety of reasons and many of the states I would "flee" to are turning Commmie as well. Actually it is just the major metro areas in almost all states that are the cancer, need to figure out a way to separate them....maybe a reverse berlin wall? LOL

  3. The best part is when all the twats who voted for things like this freak out about how wrecked everything is and move to nice friendly places...while voting the same as they did before.

    1. No joke.... Southern Oregon has in influx of Californians that do exactly that. I really hope the events of the past several months have enlightened them.

    2. Yeah, recently I learned that Leander, Texas which is northwest of Austin has a majority of californicators. And if the other part is indian (dot), we will eventually have to excavate the whole area, grind it up, rocks and commies alike and shit the whole mess to Area 51 so it can be pumped down into one of those Deep Under ground Military Bases(DUMB). You know, where the Marines have been finding all those kids that were trafficked for the cabal?

  4. Why not just take all of the state criminal laws and throw whole book in the trash.

    Fookin' morons. When are the adults, if there are any left out there, going stand up and take charge?


  5. These idiots are forgetting the victim of these crimes, totally. All this sorta thinking does is fan the flames of violence.


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