
Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Chuck Schumer Endorses Biden’s Plan To Force Public Schools To Allow Males In Female Bathrooms

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports former Vice President Joe Biden’s plans to force schools receiving federal funding to accommodate students’ who want to use bathrooms, locker rooms, and play sports with students of the opposite biological sex. 


  1. "Epidemic of violence" against transgenders. Dang, the Democratic media is falling behind, not letting us know about the hundreds, if not thousands, of daily attacks on those people.

    1. Transgenders are targeted for suiciding by themselves constantly. The only way to protect trannies is to ban transgenderism. Through helicopter rides n shit.

    2. Why ban mental cases Anon? Instead, those helicopter rides should go to the surgeons who perform "transitions" and the head shrinkers who convince their "clients" to transition and all the rest who sign off on such things.

  2. The Californication of the United States of America. Just wait 'til Kamala is running the show.


  3. Yup, we are going to take a giant step backwards and enter the obama bullshit again. It's simple, ya got a dick use the lil boys room, gotta pussy use the girls. That's not too confusing.

    1. It's not confusing for you since you're normal, but if you listen to them talk with each other, it's more confusing for them than you could possibly imagine. They literally rename their private parts, until they convince themselves that what they have is the opposite thing.

  4. But...but...but....the GOP and conservative pundits assured me that Biden's natural inclination was going to be to govern as a moderate! How can this be?

    1. That may be his inclination, but HE is not in charge.

  5. So, when do the hangings start? Asking for a friend...

  6. Also, in an effort to get out in front of the news cycle, Schumer pre-approved Biden's plan to decriminalize masturbating in a hospital's maternity ward.

  7. Chuck sits down to I'm not surprised.

  8. It doesn't really matter now; Chucky, Joe or whoever. SCOTUS has punted on this:

  9. The harm this crap is doing to young women especially in sports is tragic and would seem to go against decades of previous work for women.

  10. Joe clearly is planning to go back to school.

  11. Cut off their junk then knock yourself out using the girls/women's room.

  12. Well, it's clear Joe plans on visiting more than one public school....

  13. This is going to go soooooo well in the Islamic community. Can't wait, pass popcorn.

  14. Chuckie has been a dickhead forever.

  15. This opens the door for soy-boy male students who play poorly to still participate playing against girls.
    Yet none of these fucks considers how it affects the girls who would just like to play sports and win. It's beyond unfair, and I'd say most will just say fuck it.

  16. "...schools receiving federal funding..."

    All you marxists, show me that part of the Constitution.


    Show of hands, how many remember the marxist parents in Berkeley California going on televisionprogramming to announce their offspring are convinced they need different genitals?
    The kids were 4 and 7... years old.


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