
Tuesday, December 08, 2020

That ought to go over real good

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discouraged Americans from Christmas travel due to the coronavirus pandemic during a telephone press conference Wednesday. 

“We did put out a message to postpone and stay at home […] around Thanksgiving and we’re putting out the same message: The best thing for Americans to do in the upcoming holiday season is to stay at home and not travel,” Dr. Henry Walke, director of the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections (DPEI) in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, said in the briefing.


  1. Is this another one of those things where, right after the press conference, he gets on a plane to visit his family for the holidays?

    1. Probably posted *from* the plane.

    2. Forgot to add —> these govt fakes don’t seem to understand that once you lie to the American people, they continue to think you’re full of shit.
      Until they come out and say, “I’m sorry I lied. Today is my last day sucking taxpayer money, I resign” they have ZERO say in anything we do.

    3. "Until they come out and say, “I’m sorry I lied. Today is my last day sucking taxpayer money, I resign”"

      They'd still be lying. Unless they resign and also forego their government pension, they keep sucking taxpayer money until they die.

  2. I wasn't planning to go anywhere for Christmas but now that they're making a big deal of it I'm going visit some relative I haven't seen in years just because.
    Fuck dem assholes

    1. Exactly my thought.
      They're demanding I travel on Christmas.

  3. The best thing for Americans to do in the upcoming holiday season is to go about your holiday with friends and family. Enjoy what you have left in this world - live each day as if it were your last and don't let any fake disease keep you from enjoying it. The "people in charge" will be enjoying their holiday with their family and friends, we'll be hearing about their dining out, parties, etc. They will practice "only for me and not for thee," as they thumb their nose at us. F'em, do as you please and I will.

  4. To them I say "Merry Kissmyassmas."

  5. I was going also planning on staying home, now ROADTRIP OH HELL YEAH!!

  6. The people behind this don’t celebrate Christmas anyway. Maybe they do a little “spirit cooking” and worship Baphomet (the trans demon), but Christ is a dirty word in their circles.

  7. These bureaucrat people are a pack of idiots. There is no basis for any of their "restrictions". Fuck them! We have the worst of the bunch with Newslum, but a whole posse of county sheriffs have risen up to say they're not enforcing his edicts. Which is why I can now go to the gym. C'ya!


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