
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Who didn't see this coming?

A State Senator in New Jersey wants the coronavirus vaccine made mandatory for all school age children, despite them being the least at risk group. 

Middlesex Democrat Senator Joseph Vitale also wants to eliminate exemptions that have been used in the past to prevent their children from receiving shots. 


  1. In Oregon this online school has been an absolute shitshow. My wife and I have vowed to homeschool if their plans on making it mandatory here prevail. Were pretty much writing off the 2020 education as a do-over.

    I think the best approach moving forward in confronting all of the regulatory agencies in our counties directly and spilling the truth about their bullshit rules. Be sensible and they keep their jobs. If they choose to support evil, then we will harass them until they quit.

    1. You should go ahead and homeschool anyway, considering what is being taught in schools these days. It only takes a couple of hours or so a day to homeschool, not the 6 to 8 hours a day that it takes public schools to indoctrinate your child.
      We homeschooled both of our kids. Our oldest is excelling in their career, constantly getting promoted because they are smarter, and more mature, than their peers. Our youngest is pursuing a masters degree after graduating from college with honors.
      Take a look at the Abeka curriculum to start with. They sell complete kits with step by step instructions for you as a teacher. Once you get comfortable with homeschooling, you can branch out to some of the other curriculum if you want. Also, take a look at joining a local homeschool co-op.

    2. Its all about the money. Probably a donor to his campaign.

  2. Thank goodness my only child is years out of the education system.

  3. I don't think all the parents lined up will get a chance to shoot, knife, cluebat, bludgeon, kick this feckless state assenator from the rotten garden state.

  4. Gotta sterilize 'em early, after all.

  5. I lived in NJ for over 60 years Vitale is a dirt bag but Im sure this Dem will get pushed into national politics at some point that way the rest of you can have a taste of him.

  6. The democrats are really excited about all the power they think they have.
    Soon they'll insist on Droit du seigneur.
    I'll be on the sideline watching.

  7. Sure, right after Vitale's kids & grand kids are vaccinated as well as the rest of his family including all nieces & nephews and only after a 10 year observation period. Vitale can go FOAD.

  8. There is gonna be so much blood.

  9. We ponder how much he's gonna get in kickbacks. Faucci himself is gonna make somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million.

  10. Would not be surprised the Jersey 'public servant' likely has a piece of the action with the purchase and distribution of the vaccine. Or a very tidy 'donation' from Pfizer that never saw the light of day.

  11. A "mandatory" vaccine like this one would make an excellent prelude to the series "The Walking Dead". Something about that 2nd shot and presto! you're a walker!


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