
Monday, January 25, 2021

No Dissent Tolerated: Biden White House Channel Disables Comments on All YouTube Videos, Scrubs Thousands of Comments

After only three days in office the Biden administration has disabled comments on all thirteen videos posted to the official White House YouTube channel, erasing thousands of comments in the process. The White House channel has been under relentless negative commentary from the American people to the point that downvotes were being manipulated to make the Biden videos appear more popular. While the downvotes still wildly exceed the upvotes, all commenting and live chats are now gone.


  1. Meanwhile, I have been going over to the whitehouse youtube page and thumb downing every video there

    1. Same here! I read that Youtube has been caught removing dislikes, so I thought I'd help restore as many as I could

  2. That one can convince one’s opponents with printed reasons, I have not believed since the year 1764. It is not for that purpose that I have taken up my pen, but rather merely to annoy them and to give strength and courage to those on our side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us. (G.C. Lichtenberg)

  3. Color me shocked. In an attempt to suppress any dissenting views they've summarily infringed on the expression of every American. Wasn't there a court ruling that said politicians can't block American citizens from communicating with their elected representatives without cause?

    1. "Wasn't there a court ruling that said politicians can't block American citizens from communicating with their elected representatives without cause?"

      You want cause? 'Cause we can.
      - Politicians

    2. Yes, but that twitter account has now been disabled, if not deleted. Its not like rules are important, are they? ..... fuckers.

    3. That court ruling applies to communicating with elected representatives. They are neither elected nor representatives.

  4. The Sacramento Bee has done the same thing. They eliminated comments on individual stories starting the first of the year. You can submit suggestions to the editors, but only the pro left/progressive ones get published.

    1. American Thinker did, it, but because they were threatened with deplatformong.

  5. Your comment has been timestamped, noted, and deleted. You family meat ration has been increased to 4 ounces from 16 ounces for the next 6 weeks.

  6. Thou shalt not speak disapprovingly of the Supreme Soviet.

    1. Listen Bub, let's get this straight once and for all: it's "Dear Leader", and don't forget it.

  7. I don’t think that’s legal.....

    Government property and “We the People” thing......

    They can chose not to update it.....

    But I don’t think they can “scrub” negative comments.


    1. "The law is what I say it is!"
      Senator Charles F. Meachum (D-MT)
      'Shooter', 2007

      Was that movie prescient or what?

    2. Bingo. Tennessee the patron state of shootin stuff also.

  8. Seems like I once read about some nation trying to control the narrative. And how by controlling the narrative, you could control the people. Although I am certain that is not what the Democrats would ever intend to do, not in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh, and before I forget, Democrats, fuck you.


  9. What the hell else did any of you think would happen?

  10. Yet....another middle finger.
    And the beat goes on

  11. It’s cool, we have screenshots. Best is 1.6k upvotes, 16.5k downvotes.
    Most popular President indeed.

  12. If Trump couldn't block people on Twitter, then Biden should not be able to block people on Youtube.
    Seems pretty clear-cut to me, but IANAL.


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