
Friday, January 22, 2021

President Trump Considers Forming Patriot Party

President Trump appears to be keeping politics on the horizon with talks of forming his own political party. 

On Tuesday, reports said the President discussed forming a so-called “Patriot party” with some of his top aides and supporters. Traditionally, third parties have failed to gain steam in challenging both the Democrat and Republican parties. However, due to his large base of supporters and the record number of people who voted for him in 2020, many believe President Trump has what it takes to carry on the movement.


  1. Its best for Trump to take over the Republican Party and kick out the RINOS. 3rd parties only split the conservative/Republican vote, allowing the Dimocrats to win.

    1. Can you remind me again how the Dumbocrats won this time?

    2. The problem with that is the Rino-Demtrash control too much.
      Getting rid of them is harder than curing cancer.

    3. Echo HotelJanuary 22, 2021 at 7:50 PM

      They lied and cheated with the help of their media, judges and feckless establishment RINOS.
      How does a third party beat that?

    4. Matthew W
      Exactly, that's the point. No party, whether it's the spinless, useless GOP, or some other new party, will be likely to beat the Dem machine. Voting "harder" will not get us where we want to be. All these cries of "it will split our votes" are meaningless. We have to accept that other methods of change are now necessary. I will leave it to the reader to figure out what that means.

      Anyone remember TINVOWOOT?

    5. "Its best for Trump to take over the Republican Party and kick out the RINOS"

      You do realize that without the "RINOs", the Republican Party consists of nothing but empty offices, right?

    6. As I have said. No, we kick out the rinos by voting party line democrat since our votes don' t matter. If we are still here in 2 years.

  2. Ted Cruz should be the candidate for 2024, backed by the Patriot Party. Just remember what the Leftarded and RINOs did to the Tea Party. With full weaponized IRS, all Fed agencies, and the mainstream media, all 75-80 million supporters will have to assume they are targets. I have to say FUCK THE FEDS and the entire corrupt cesspool that is DC and media.

    1. So, basically go with Dougie Haig's First Day on the Somme 2.0?

  3. When a certain party can print out as many fake ballots as they need, in order to win elections, will a new party stand any chance in that environment?

  4. I think it is time to do a wholesale change-out of the Republican Party. I would prefer to call it the "American Party". Some basic tenets would be term limits, federal legislators do not receive a better health plan than regular government workers, if you are caught violating ethics rules you lose your job and benefits; because you are there for a short time (because of term limits) you can only vest to the same program as all government employees, etc.

    In other words, no special privileges to the politicians that are different than what plain ol' Americans get. If we end up having government health care, the politicians get the same thing.

    1. I'd been thinking "America First Party"

  5. It matters not. If they can fraudulently elect a president then their candidate will always win no matter for what: president, governor, congress, senator, mayor, or whatever, forever.

  6. If Trump really wanted to stay in politics he would have busted the communists with voter fraud and we would be here where we are today. I have read Trump's own words that he didn't want to look like the bad guy. So, now we all get fucked. i have been with Trump backing his every move for over 6 months. He has been promising a lot of stuff, but couldn't pull it off for fear of hurting someone's feelings and now maybe he will learn how the commies lie and do their utmost to ruin you, because they can.

    1. That or they got the JFK word to him including his family.

  7. ..and not only that, but this has been going on for quite some time I think. Remember when hillary was given a 90+ percent chance of winning? That election had massive fraud also I feel, but not enough. They fixed it in 2020 didn't they? How do you suppose that all these awful governors and mayors get elected and RE-elected? How about other countries leaders? Trudeau? Merkel? and on and on. The game is rigged and has been for quite some time.

  8. Bad idea.
    Like it or not, success will only come from working inside the Republican party.

    1. BULLSHIT. They just stole the election w/ the help of the GOP. How will more of the same fix things?

  9. Wait... You all still trust elections? Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahaa (snort) hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...




    1. You got it Beans, Don't trust any professional politicians. Phuque Trump, he pussied out. Every institution in the USSA is infiltrated by leftist, progressive, commie, globullists. Starve the beast.

  10. Saw a great patriot party tee shirt. Has a picture of the lion and this lettering: Never Democrat, No Longer Republican.

  11. Just no. He did all he could with what he's got. Thank him for exposing the rot. Simply put he's too old and doesn't have the time left. That's a harsh statement but a fact nevertheless. We need a younger person with non-career military experience, impeccable fidelity both to country and family, who has a clear understanding of Western Civilization and hatred for those domestic elements trying to destroy it, and the ability to articulate a path forward. While Trump connected with us desplorables and was/is one hell of a fighter, let's fact it, we had nowhere else to go.

  12. He might as well...the Republican party is dead to me.

  13. "There is no voting our way out of this." Said somebody, somewhere.

    Can't see any third party invalidating that comment...not until the entire voting process is changed.


  14. Study the decline of the Whigs and the rise of the Republicans in 1856.

  15. I'm in if they do it. Done with the Republican traitors. Elections are over with until the traitors are swinging by a rope.

  16. @MadMarlin, out of the 74+ million votes Trump got this year, can you imagine how many votes he would get after Joke Biden royally screws the pooch? It's not even a week yet and the half wit is already so fucked up they will be calling for the 25th Amendment next week. My point is that Trump, or a Trump, should be the PatPar nominee with Cruz as Vice.

  17. Pointless waste of time, money and energy. As long as the commie demonrats FULLY CONTROL the ENTIRE electoral process they can AND WILL make sure that NOBODY ever wins office in an election in America that THEY DON'T APPROVE OF. As long as the Demonrats are in power there will NEVER be another honest and fair election in America...and as long as there is never another honest and fair election in America the demonrats will ALWAYS be in power.

  18. Let me 'splain this to you in simple terms that are easy to understand.


    There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This

    Who the fuck in their right mind thinks the NEXT election will be free and fair, raise your hand, so I know who to shoot. Folks, there ain't never going to be another 'election'.

  19. You guys still think we can vote our way out of this? The system is fully corrupted. Dissidence is the best solution.

  20. Meh, time to think big. Time for the western US states and the western Canadian provinces to form a new country from Florida up through the Carolina'sand Kentucky and Tennessee, Texas and western Canada to Alaska. They have common interests and the same grievances.

    "Western separatism surging! Can it be averted?"

  21. Why is everyone still talking?
    Aren't there enough targets yet?

    1. Start with talking head media whores. The lies they constantly tell increase the lefts power by an order of magnitude. Take them out of the equation and the left is crippled. Information is power. Plus they are easy targets. All the hired thugs will be guarding leftist politicians and power mongers. So getting to most of the media whores will be simple. Violence is the language on power and it is the ONLY language the left listens to.

  22. Only way I can see of this getting sorted out is for another 1775. Commies should have been removed from the gene pool back in the McCarthy years.
    Anyone forget that almost to every single item, the NVA & Pajama clad brethren to a man all were outfitted with products directly from the CCP. Just sayin.......


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