
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Quit whining, you endorsed him

AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka slammed President Joe Biden during an interview that aired in part on Sunday over his executive order that canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which cost a lot of people their jobs. 

“Organized labor is crucial to the Biden coalition. But there are significant tensions among environmentalists, the president’s team addressing climate change and some parts of the labor movement,” Axios reported. “The Laborers’ International Union of North America said the Keystone decision will cost 1,000 existing union jobs and 10,000 projected construction jobs.”


  1. Jobs or environmentalism,pick one.

  2. My company has a large union represented workforce and I've worked with them for many years. One thing I can tell you is that endorsement by Union Leadership does not equate to votes by the rank and file. The union members I've worked with think for themselves.

  3. Do the enviro-weinies actually think because the pipeline is cancelled the oil won't be used? It'll just come by truck/train with signifantly more chances of spilling mostly making warren buffet even richer. Well the kids will like that part of it ;)

    Getin real tired of being surrounded by such dumbasses.

  4. Trumka is a liar, a thug and a clown. Raised in the United Mine Workers yet immediately sold them out when he supported Obama in 2008, who had promised to make all of the coal miner's jobs disappear. Why there is a single West Virginian that's a registered Democrat is a complete mystery to me.
    "My Daddy voted Democrat and so did my Grandaddy" isn't a valid excuse when it's the Democrats that want to wipe out the industry that has supported your family for generations.

    1. You are far too logical; gotta look for the payoffs, and those ain't ever advertised.

  5. Most green policies do more harm than good. Partly this is so they can create environmental disasters and then point to them and tell us how evil we are. Example, recycling plastic. Burning it to generate electricity or using it to fill holes in the ground is bad. Recycling it ourselves is uneconomical. So, send it to the third world where they recycle it by tipping in the sea. Next step guilt trip everyone by televising shots of beaches covered in washed up plastic. Oh yes, and give us more money.

  6. This dumb ass Trumka didn't understand or couldn't connect the dots between "I'm going to shut down the entire fossil fuel industry" and union jobs? And this guy is the PRESIDENT of a union with a SEVERAL TENS OF MILLIONS members!1??!!??!! Must be some real winners in THAT organization.


  7. They knew he was a scorpion...

  8. He knew exactly what he was doing (and what Biden was going to do). Just playing the game of appeasing the politicians and not pissing off his members too badly.

    1. Yeah, the politicians have power and money, the membership don't.

  9. I'm pretty sure that the democrats only care about illegals and transvestites anymore, can't remember the last time they talked about the working man

  10. Had a casual acquaintance at the gym who was a realtor his entire life. One election I asked his opinion of a local candidate-his response was he never spent the time learning about the choices, as he always voted the way the local real estate board recommended. When it came time to list my house I chose a different gym buddy as my agent-he had it sold to the first looker in less than a week, with no hitches at closing.

    Some people telegraph their stupidity, some don't.

    1. My union used to pass out a 'voting guide' with all their recommendations on how we should vote. It was a great guide - I voted the exact opposite of their choices.

  11. This pig knew exactly what was going to happen. He is just going through some fake out rage until he gets that sweet ambassador ship or no show cabinet post in the Biden administration

  12. The unions need to pull a Jimmy Hoffa on his ass.

  13. Time for US energy workers to go on strike to protect their jobs. Like the teachers.

  14. The Dems support the Union leadership, whom I am sure are still being paid massive amounts of money. There will be union job carve-outs in the upcoming infrastructure bills and the payrolls will be inflated at huge prices to launder the money to the union bosses. Crocodile tears from another self-serving, sanctimonious hypocrite.

  15. It's all theater. Trumka got his pay.

  16. I worked at a UAW - "U Ain't Workin'" - plant for years. Helped develop a process that could have revolutionized the manufacturing of our product and made us cost-competitive with plants overseas (my first patent, actually). Let me repeat this: not made us competitive with other plants domestically, but competitive with plants in low-wage countries.

    The Union fought us tooth and nail; they literally would rather have seen the plant close (and from a few friends still there it's on its way) than save American jobs. So long as the Union bosses were getting their money, screw the working people.


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