
Friday, February 19, 2021

Seriously, who gives a shit?

Executioners who put 13 inmates to death in the last months of the Trump administration likened the process of dying by lethal injection to falling asleep and called gurneys “beds” and final breaths “snores.”

But those tranquil accounts are at odds with reports by The Associated Press and other media witnesses of how prisoners’ stomachs rolled, shook and shuddered as the pentobarbital took effect inside the U.S. penitentiary death chamber in Terre Haute, Indiana. The AP witnessed every execution.


  1. Replies
    1. Hanging is cheaper, and probably quicker....if it screws up and doesn't work as intended, just wait a few minutes and the desired result will still be achieved....

    2. If it was up to me, executions would be conducted in public, with live TV feeds all over the country. And it would be the full William Wallace DeLuxe package, with half-hanging, castration, disembowelment and decapitation.

      Public capital punishment serves two purposes: 1) as punishment for the most heinous crimes, and 2) as a warning to animals just getting started in their criminal careers.

      Both are worthy objectives. If you're too squeamish to watch it, liberals, avert your eyes, but take in the message.

  2. The Associated Press has zero credibility. Just another effort to divide us from law and order.

  3. Did the AP report what their victims did when they died? One fuckup killed 7 people. Another kidnapped and murdered 3 women, while the one woman put down killed a pregnant woman and cut the fetus out her dead body.
    The inmates stomach rolled? BFD!!!

  4. How about if we just starved 'em to death? Hey, it was humane enough for an innocent woman, so it should be human enough for a guilty convict.

  5. There are painless lethal injections available but those who produce them refuse to supply them because they disagree with capital punishment. People who fail to think through the consequences of their actions basically.

    1. Airtight(ish) room, insert prisoner, pump nitrogen in, air out...

      No special tool, no special chemicals for suppliers to refuse to sell.

  6. To 'efn easy of an exit if you ask me. I don't support undue suffering, but making it so nice and painless is radiculas. Maybe just turn them over to the victims families, and the get a shot to the base of the skull after 15-20 minutes (per victim).

    1. I have read that the UK Queen was so full of evil they had to freeze her body first then then her head was removed.

  7. I've had three faithful pets put to sleep, each of them in my arms.
    Tore me up but I'm convinced they passed painlessly.

    RIP little buddies.

    1. Two for me, and it's worth pointing out that the same drug used to execute those motherfuckers is used to put our pets down. It was good enough for Phoebe and Max and didn't appear to cause them any distress. It's good enough for murdering swine and is what we've been using in Texas now for several years with no reports of botched executions.

  8. These human vermin bought the one-way ticket when they took an innocent person's life and despite their "discomfort" you can bet they died easier than their victims.

  9. Who cares? I personally, am a fan of hanging them.

  10. My problem with the death penalty is how often similar criminals receive disparate sentences. We have even see two accomplices receive different sentences.
    No, I'm not advocating for lighter sentences, I want the shit what got off easy resentenced and the judges who pussied out to be punished with them.

  11. I like Heinlein's concept of "Balancing". Kill the perp the way he killed his victims.

  12. This is the only thing in Sharia law I agree...eye for eye. If these fuckers just get to to sleep then where is the punishment? No, they should be killed in the same manner of the crime they committed.

  13. At this point why would anybody believe one word from the media including Fox? Today, what the left calls news are simply biased "editorials" promoting the left's stance.

  14. Assisted suicide is ok, abortion is ok but the poor, poor sadistic murderer is too precious to suffer a tiny bit?????

  15. I say give them a choice...lethal injection, or a steel butted empty shotgun wielded by an 81 year old retired Sargeant Major.

  16. I say give them a choice...lethal injection, or a steel butted empty shotgun wielded by an 81 year old retired Sargeant Major.

  17. I say give them a choice...lethal injection, or a steel butted empty shotgun wielded by an 81 year old retired Sargeant Major.

  18. The AP is OF COURSE lying. The drugs used for lethal injections are the same drugs we use in hospitals to put people out for procedures. When given people simply pass out... peacefully and quietly. AFTER they are unconscious they are given a paralytic....makes their muscles incapable of moving. Finally they get a massive dose of KCl....which makes the set stop. It's a VERY painless method of execution.

  19. Your average Republican: "You can't trust government. They're going to take our guns, force us to use solar power, they're destroying healthcare, and they're completely incompetent."

    Your average Republican continues: "But we totally trust them to execute people we don't like, and we totally trust the government is executing brown people in sandy places because we also don't like them."

  20. The Romans had some pretty interesting ideas on carrying out captial punishment if memory serves...

  21. Nitrogen suffocation is quick, cheap, easy and environmentally sound. There is no shortage of the requisite material and almost no possible danger to others.

    Of course, I don’t trust the government to get anything right so allowing this cretinous clump of idiots to take a life is questionable at best.

  22. Bullshit. I put multiple pets down every day and this story is either complete and utter bullshit, or the people they got doing the killing don't know WTF they're doing. A few decades ago the feds came to the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) and asked for help in devising an execution protocol based on our euthanasia protocols. Because it was a political hot potato they declined (pussies). But a number of vets were very vocal afterward about what we do and if any idiot in the execution business were paying attention they'd learn it's easy peasy. While the sodium pentobarbital is what does the killing, it does it so fast that you can, and will commonly see, thrashing, muscle spasms, stretching etc. (Trust me, I've seen it, decades ago we did thing differently). The trick is to give HEAVY sedatives before the pentobarbital. You can sedate the patient (or in this case, murderer) so deeply that the body never has an "acute" reaction to the pentobarb being injected (well the heart stopping and brain shutting down can be considered acute I guess). But every time I hear or read stories about executions going bad, I just know it's either MSM lying or some federal worker not doing the job right. One is just as likely as the other.

  23. Are you trying elicit sympathy for the perps who are being removed from polite society for doing something grotesque to others?

    You have failed. Kill them.

  24. This is because European govts and manufacturers won't sell is the three drug cocktail. Trump wrote an executive order that allowed hanging and firing squads as alternates.

    Personally I prefer carfentanil. Quick, painless, and China just won't stop sending it to us.

  25. It should be a gruesome side show, carried out in public.

  26. It's past time for AP to get the injection in Terre Haute.


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