
Monday, February 01, 2021

Social Services Won't Speak to Biological Family of 3-Year-Old Found Dead In Food Network Star's Home

Ariel Robinson, winner of Food Network’s America’s Worst Cook, was arrested and charged along with her husband Jerry Robinson for the murder of 3-year-old Victoria Rose Smith. They had recently adopted her from the Greenville, S.C., Department of Social Services (DSS) in March of 2020. 

DSS removed Victoria and her two brothers from her biological family due to a positive marijuana test at birth and an incident where her young brothers wandered out of the home at night and went to a neighbor’s house, according to family members. The family said DSS took the children and placed them into foster care while the biological mother went through a DSS-ordered plan to recover her family. Family members say that Victoria’s mother followed the plan, including classes and drug tests, but DSS kept changing the parameters, dragging out the process for years.


  1. It's been a while since I've seen les miserables, but things like this remind me of it. When institutions are consistently cruel and unfair, the anger it breeds among the population builds until the peasants go out in a blind fury and start putting a whole lot of people in the guillotine. The sad part is that things have to get so bad before it happens.

    1. We are definitely headed down that slippery slope. I fear for my Grand kids.

  2. A complicated, sad situation not too far from me. White 3-yr old kid placed with 2 Blacks don't make sense to me. White momma was on the tube recently basically saying the gov. agency doesn't want anything to do with her....Big law-suit the reason?

  3. Sadly, gubmint aims to and is succeeding at being the only entity capable of committing 'legal murder'.

    it also doesn't investigate itself.

  4. The same thing happens in Germany with the Jugendamt (Haase family, one of the children died or the Worms abuse case, where a Jugendamt employee brainwashed the children into saying their parents abused them.) or in England with the CPS(I once looked it up on dailymail and there they showed three cases: 1) a mother, TV presentor lost her child- I think drunk driving - and the CPS plced her girl with a WAG, the wife/girlfriend of a big star. This WAG is a blond braindead bimbo = only interested in tits ass, looking good, tanning etc. And the real mother has a gagging order, she does not violate. 2) A family, lost their three children and even though they were innocent, the head judge didnt sent the kids back.3) An italian mother, slighty mad, didnt take her medicine, because she didnt want her unborn child to suffer the side effects of said medication. The Essex City Council ordered the doctors to slice open her belly, sorry, perform an unwanted cesarean, and did not give the child to the mother. In case three, wasnt the mob aka Mafia formed to protect civilians from the tyrannical actions of the government?).
    Alex Lund

    1. "wasnt the mob aka Mafia formed to protect civilians from the tyrannical actions of the government?"

      There is no Mafia. We are all just legitimate Italian businessmen.

  5. Fat ass BLM cunt should be lynched.

  6. This is when shooting government people should be allowed. Getting tired of govt cramming their rules down our throats and then we have zero recourse to go after them. I still think we need a off shore database of home addresses of govt employees, cops, feds..the works. They have zero fear of the public. We are govt slaves, not by the people-for the people.

  7. Pictures of the accused lead me to believe they are guilty of a lot of crimes.

  8. There is also the issue of the nanny state raising society's children as they see fit (or not). Combination of a power hungry bureaucracy and parents that expect or tolerate it. I listen to a scanner off and on daily in this rural corner of the world. Cops routinely called by parents because an 11 y/o is "actin out" or a 14 y/o won't get up for school etc etc etc. Literally asking for the state to be the parent because they can't or wont. That being said the system is rife with documented stories of the nanny state's DCS henchman taking kids from good home for bullshit reason. That kinda thing has the propensity to morph into forehead therapy for said henchman when they fuck with the wrong father for bullshit reasons. Play stupid games....

  9. Oh, wow! Sgt Bob!!! if you have powers like that to just look at photos and be able to judge people on the spot, you should be sitting with the SCOTUS. Your powers are so uncanny, wow.

  10. Laws....

    Hiding Anne Franke in the attic was against the law.
    Dragging her out and sending her to a death camp was legal.

    We are getting closer to flaming torches and pitchfork time.

  11. Now she's the winner of the world's worst mom too.


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