
Friday, February 12, 2021

State Ban on Disposing Treated Wood Hammers Home-Improvement Business

ANTIOCH (KPIX) — Do-it-yourselfers may want to reconsider those backyard renovation projects. The state has banned the disposal of a common building material and it is leaving homeowners and contractors with no place to dump it. 

According to the Department of Toxic Substances Control:


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, if you live in a neighborhood, load up the BBQ pit with it and just burn it in little chunks all day long.


    2. Yep! Fuck ‘em.

  2. Dump it on the side of the fucking road in the middle of the night. Let the counties clean it up, they'll put it in landfills quick enough.

  3. C'mon, Kenny--I shouldn't have to read a sentence five damn times to get what they're trying to say! I've thrown away more goddam treated hammers than they can imagine!

  4. C'mon, Kenny--I shouldn't have to read a sentence five damn times to get what they're trying to say! I've thrown away more goddam treated hammers than they can imagine!

  5. They will just dump it on a side street.

  6. Article states that treated lumber can't be burned.
    Watch me !

  7. I see a good bit of illegal dumping in california's future.

  8. So this fucking state allowed and probably oversaw the creation of this product, but made no provisions for its potential disposal in the future.
    Government in all its shortsighted splendor once again.

    1. This kind of resembles the disaster in making of electric car batteries.

  9. When Cyril Kornbluth penned The Marching Morons 70 odd years ago he believed he was writing fiction. Turns out it was prophecy.

  10. Gordon (other Gordon)February 12, 2021 at 6:42 PM

    Can't landfill treated lumber. leads to illegal dumping. -> Ban on the sale of treated lumber. -> Stuff made of untreated lumber. -> More trees being cut down to make more lumber to rebuild the stuff made with untreated lumber because it don't last as long. Yup, that's going to go over well.
    Or they will just ship the treated lumber out of state for disposal. Gee, thanks California.

    1. Or you could just dump it in some politicians front yard.

  11. Grind it up and spread over the shit ladden sidewalks of Queen Nancy's hometown.

  12. Save the unwanted treated lumber. We will need something to build all those gibbets with. Or a bunch of “Wicker Man” type cages.

  13. I burn used tires, refurbish auto batteries, dig a hole and dispose of old paint and make my own treated lumber. I don't have the pressure tanks the commercial treaters do so I have to use the long soak method. But my fence posts last a long time.

  14. Use cedar for everything then watch them bitch that the poor trees can no longer be hugged. Fucking California just drop off already.

  15. When the government gives you no option on where to dispose of old building material, you find a dark back street and dump it late at night. Or you go out to the country side and dump it all there. It's quick and easy and after a few days of cleaning up and disposing of other people's waste building materials, they will find a place for you to dump your sh!t.

    Or the draconian fools of cesspools like California are more likely to levy fines of up to a million dollars or go to jail ... if you are white.

  16. It's even "better" (more ridiculously hilarious) than it sounds! You can't even fucking *cut* the stuff (Treated Wood Waste, aka TWW) after it's been "generated" except for "purposes of transport". That means if you try to reuse the wood instead of disposing of it, you're a criminal. Well, you were probably already in violation of a few dozen unrelated bullshit laws, but this adds another layer of "we can get you if we want to" evil.

    It's here:

  17. I opened the article, saw where it came from, and thought "more morons on parade".

  18. Sorry, looks like I was a little premature. I read their stupid pdf, and it appears that the ban on cutting "toxic" treated wood *only applies if the wood is waste* meaning that if you intend to reuse the "toxic" "dangerous" (not an actual quote, but c'mon that's the implication) treated wood for "an appropriate use application based on the type of preservative used" then it's suddenly magically okay to make as much "toxic" sawdust as your little heart desires.

    But don't even think about trying to dispose of offcuts or swept up sawdust, you naughty little subject!


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