
Monday, February 22, 2021

U.K To Impose DNR Orders For All COVID-19 Patients With “Learning Difficulties”

When Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate black babies, she founded Planned Parenthood, which strategically placed their abortion clinics in urban areas, making their services readily available to mothers of black babies. 

In January 2019, CBS News revealed a stunning report showing Iceland’s near 100-percent abortion rate for babies with Down syndrome.


  1. There's socialized medicine for you

  2. abortion = murder

    There, fixed it. "Abortion" as a word in the context of procreation should mean she sucked you off, or you whacked one out. Just like "execution" should not mean me stringing up the next leftist to the nearest lamppost with his/her/xits entrails.

  3. Death panels? Naw that's just scare tactics.


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