
Friday, March 19, 2021




  1. If you run from a goose, you will run from anything

    1. [rocketride]

      Especially given how inherently fragile birds are relative to similarly-sized mammals.

  2. Canada Geese are notoriously nasty little bastards.

  3. A goose? That tough guy was afraid of a goose? He's got a bag full of weapons and he goes fetal?

  4. Badmitten racket. It's like a light saber for long necked birds.

  5. Funny, I was just commenting yesterday morning that the geese on the course were late leaving this year....

  6. Never did understand a man running from a goose. Yup, been attacked and got pinched like a mother a few times by them. However, the bastards were put in their place right proper and quickly.

  7. Why did he run away from dinner?


  8. [rocketride]

    NEVER not have a club in hand while traversing a golf course.

    OTOH, that may be the best piece that soy-golfer has gotten lately.

  9. My swan incident of 1982...

    I was 28 at the time and the apartment complex where I lived had a large pond in its common area. I was sitting on a bench by the shore, minding my own business and enjoying the fine weather, when a large *male* swan approached. He was hissing at me and puffing himself up like: "Get off my lawn!" I'm thinking "stupid bird", so I hissed back at it. Bad move. Rather than back off, that swan ran right up to me, extended his wings, and proceeded to beat the hell out of my legs and torso! That bastard's wingspan was a good 6 feet or more and damn, they hurt. So it was either kill the stupid bird or retreat. I retreated and he left me alone.

    I was bit embarrassed about it at the time, and took some ribbing from my friends, but now I just laugh about it. You don't realize just how big a swan is until one gets up close and personal with you. It was probably protecting a nearby nest.

    And about the goose on the golf course... Believe it or not, Canada Geese are still a protected species. If you clobber one with a golf club, attacked or not, you're liable to find yourself in the local hoosegow.


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