
Monday, March 15, 2021

Storming the Bill of Rights

The Right has long been unfriendly to civil liberties, at least where civil liberties clashed with the will of law enforcement. This needs to change. 

As soon as police secured the Capitol building on January 6, only a few hours after rioters had entered, the gears at the Department of Justice began grinding out tactics and strategies to investigate and charge the rioters. 

Having downplayed riots instigated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa in Washington, D.C., and across the country throughout 2020, the Left, the media, and the FBI immediately inflated the events at the Capitol from a riot to an attempted coup d’etat, an armed insurrection, sedition, and domestic terrorism.


If that was a riot, it was one of the most peaceful riot in the history of the world.


  1. "the FBI immediately inflated the events at the Capitol from a riot to an attempted coup d’etat, an armed insurrection, sedition, and domestic terrorism."

    'cause that's what police forces of a spineless tyrannical state do when they want to further their hold on power.

    Look at any tyrannical government throughout history for examples. In fact we need to look no further than than the communist utopia's of Cuba and Venezuela for examples from our own lifetime.


  2. When the Right riots, the world will damn well know it.

  3. While it is certainly a rear guard action, try to get onto juries. If an FBI agent takes the stand, assume that [s]he manufactured evidence and is trying to frame the suspect. Assume every piece of evidence touched by the FBI is tainted.

    The next Republican president (if there ever is one) needs to do an ideological purge of the FBI, CIA, and NSA in the same manner that the Democrats are currently conducting of the U.S. military.

    Yes, I know. Wishful thinking. I don't think we'll ever see a Republican president again unless it is a traitor like Mitt Romney.

    1. Dumb Ass...We still have a real President. TRUMP is waiting for all the commies to expose themselves. Wait till April, you will see.

  4. What is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory you have heard?

    Answer – That right wing people owning over 600 Million guns and billions and billions of rounds of ammunition wanting to take over the White House/Government would forget to bring a single gun or round of ammunition along.

    Armed insurrection my Grandma's black cats ass.

    Phil B

  5. Stupid fucking Leftist twats (pardon the redundancies) are the only ones who feel (they are incapable of thinking) that the event was more than a protest that a few infiltrators got the leading edge of to "storm" the Capitol. Anyone with a functioning brain knows that if that crowd really had been engaged in what they're accused of every goddam one of them would have been armed. Well-armed.

  6. They will get what they say they got soon enough. This has got to be the stupidest and most dishonest administration ever. The demos won't last 4 years before the people take their country back. We are seeing their lies and even the most ignorant citizen can see that.

    1. "This has got to be the stupidest and most dishonest administration ever. The demos won't last 4 years before the people take their country back. We are seeing their lies and even the most ignorant citizen can see that."

      That may well be, but half the population is totally cool with it, and of the half that isn't, not very many will actually do anything about it.

    2. FA CUBE ITCHES is a POS commie who likes to distort shit. The actually amount of commies who believe the shit is maybe 30% not half. Its' the same old split like during the time when we revolted against England's rule in 1773 to start with. A third wanted to be FREE, a third wanted to be ruled by a king or queen and a third wanted nothing or cared what happened or were scared to speak out.
      Today we have about the same split, communist thinkers around 30%, anti-communist thinkers around 30% and the rest of non-thinkers.
      The question will boil down to who gets killed? The commies cannot live with us alive and neither can we live with the commies alive.
      All of you soft-shelled repubs and conservatives need to reconcile the fact that ALL communists need to be killed. They are a cancer.
      If you cannot accept that fact you too will be eliminated. We do not need anyone left that does not support the Freedom of everyone here.


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