
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I'll believe it when I see it

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - If you're sick of those annoying robo-calls, don't worry, a federal agency is stepping in. The Federal Communication Commission wants to hold your cell phone provider accountable, especially if you're getting those pesky robo-calls constantly on your phone.


And what about my home phone? I'd say that half the incoming calls are robo-calls.


  1. who the hell still has a landline?

    1. Well, considering I don't have reliable cell phone coverage this far from town, I do.

    2. Most of us that know it's a helluva lot more reliable than cell signals.

    3. rayvet, yessir, our phone cables are underground. It would take a major disaster before our landline went down. Even with the bombing of the AT&T building in Nashville, we couldn't receive calls but we could still call out, but cell phones all over middle Tennessee were completely down for 3-4 days.

    4. We do. I refuse to carry a cell phone around with me all the time but there's a phone only a few steps away all over the house.

  2. All the calls on my landline and 40% of the calls on my cell are robo calls. This despite both numbers being on the fedgov Do Not Call list.

    1. Too late, I figured out that robo callers were using the Do Not Call list to verify working phone numbers, especially if you email the list to complain about a certain number robo's were originating from.

      My cell provider has been identifying potential robo calls for a couple months. Best policy is if the number is not in your contact list don't answer and especially DO NOT decline the call if it's to your cell. Robo's monitor the number of rings. If the call is terminated before the robo program times out the number of rings, they know they've got a live phone number and will keep calling.

      I also think that they've somehow hacked into Xfinity and other networks. I can't tell you how many times I've used my phone(s) to make a call, then within 15 minutes of me hanging up, I get a robo.

      One time I was talking to a family member and mentioned the word "church" during the conversation. After I hung up, I got a call that identified a church in N. Carolina on the caller ID.

      I know you all probably think I'm being paranoid or are a conspiracy theorist. Well they really are out to get me ;-)).


    2. No Nemo you are not being paranoid. I to have some similar problems. My computer and cell are listening, i have mentioned something and i start getting advertiments on them!!!! grayman

  3. "By September, your phone provider must block calls not linked to a federal database. " Hmmm a double-edged sword if ever there was.

  4. Not to mention all the spoofing that is going on! Spoofing is where they apply a phony name or area to the incoming call to make you think this is a local call. Spoofing is highly illegal. They are also tracking your travel. I don't know how many times I have gotten robo calls from areas that I was just traveling in!

  5. Nomorobo ( is free for home phones and works pretty well. For numbers in their database, which includes the NRA, for instance, your phone will ring once and they will take the call and hang up on it. We mostly use our landline being old farts and I get very few SPAM calls on my cell phone since I rarely give out the number. My wife gets more since she is more casual about giving out her number. Nomorobo reduced our calls by, probably, 75%.

    1. I jumped on that as soon as I learned about it but still get 3 or 4 robos a day. The FCC will never slap a big enough penalty on the providers; they're all in kahoots and could care less about we the customers.

  6. Only half? More than 90% of incoming calls to me are spam or scam. And 25% of text messages are spam or scam.

    1. Dear beloved, I am a wayward Nigerian price coming to you with an incredible investment opportunity...

  7. So, easily 50% spoof the number, example my area code, my phone's prefix, and a random 4 digit at the end. What happens when someone reports one of these spoofed numbers? I just don't see this as being a good idea... But, I have that problem with a lot of hare brained ideas...

  8. We have landline because I hate talking on the cell. Don't even use it for a phone and don't give out the number.

    But half the calls? With caller ID and an answering machine, we maybe get one out of 200 calls that are valid.

  9. I have a cell phone that I only give the number to a few people, and never to doctors, repair shops or anyone with a database.
    I do have a home phone line, but it doesn't ring, just takes messages and the speakers off so I only know that there is a message if I see the flashing light. That's the number I give out when I have to.
    And during the last election, the greeting was a pitch for DJT.

  10. Half? Try 99% robo calls on the land line and 95% on the cell. I am not sure why we are keeping the land line and I have set all cell calls that are not in my contact list to be forwarded to voice mail.

  11. There already are federal do not call lists. They can't enforce what they have so they are passing the buck to the providers who will most certainly raise their rates to provide the technology and the likely fines they will have to pay. The end result will be the scammers will develop their own technology to by pass any block that is on their line, take them about a week maybe.

  12. The only reason to have a house phone is for children that are too young for their own cell phone. And a home based business.

    1. Not quite. Read my replies to the first comment.

    2. City pukes traded their balls for a Communist Party
      Portable entertainment/tracking device years ago so the old lady can order up a new box O snatch plugs when she is bleedin heavy. They know nothing

    3. The reason I carry is to shoot stupid people in their nugget...greggBC... ya hear that?OG

  13. I have a blast answering the robocalls! Yeah, I get lots of them but it is fun! Usually it is some dot head from Delhi. I bait them and after a few minutes accuse them of sexually abusing children. They get pissed. If it is a woman I tell her prostitution is a more honorable profession than working for scammers.

    Jasper, my 15 year old grey parrot, has mastered my voice and has quite a vocabulary of foul language. Many times when they ask for me I say wait a minute. Placing the phone near him he always says “hello”, then proceeds to say “who farted?”, “pull my finger”, “Yankees suck”, “jeter’s queer” and/or “well fuck off!” I only have a cellphone for video, I gotta get him recorded sometime...

    1. dejoh222@gmail.comApril 28, 2021 at 6:37 PM

      Thanks for the best laugh of the day.

  14. Personally, I believe this problem will solve itself in time. Robocalls, spoofing et al. are mostly directed at those who grew up with rotary or push button phones and when the phone rang, the caller had a legitimate reason for calling.

    Once this demographic passes on, I highly doubt there'll be a potential market among Gen Xers or Millennials and these calls will disappear.

  15. The callers have to be making some kind of money or they would stop. The calls are computer generated, so if you ignore it or pick up and hang up, they call someone else. But if everyone would answer and go about their business while the recording is going, they would cut their out going calls by at least 2/3rds. Even better, hit numbers until you get the live person and they take up their time. I enjoy telling them to "Get a real job and quit bothering people".

  16. Got a call from 1-212-777-8457 this morning.

    Steve (with foreign accent): Hello, this is Steve from Microsoft support and your computer has signaled me that you have a virus.

    Me: Oh my God, Steve! How can I fix this? Oh No!

    Steve: You have a virus in your computer.

    Me: Oh no! You've got to help me! Can you help me Steve? Can you walk me through how to fix this?

    Steve. Yes okay? You must turn the computer on.

    Me: Okay...just a minute... That's the button with the little circle on it, with a line pointing up, right? Oh my God! A virus on my computer? How did it get there, Steve?

    Steve: Is your computer on?

    Me: Yes, Steve. It's coming on now. How could this happen to me? How did I get a virus? I always wear a condom while typing!

    Steve: What? (pause) Okay. You have the computer on, yes?

    Me: Yes, Steve! Help me!

    Steve: Okay, you see the Ctrl button on the bottom right of your keyboard?

    Me: Oh my God, oh my God! The what button?

    Steve: The Ctrl button. On the bottom row of keys, on the right.

    Me: Okay, Got it! Do I push that one?

    Steve: Look beside it--

    Me: What, at the desk? Do I push it now Steve?

    Steve: No, no, on the other side of it. Do you see the button next to it?

    Me: The one with the flag?

    Steve: Yes. The windows symbol.

    Me: It looks like a flag to me, Steve.

    Steve: Okay, it's a flag. Now find the "R" key.

    Me: Is that A-R-E or O-R?

    Steve: No, no! just the letter!

    Me: Oh-h-h-h, Okay. So I press the R?

    Steve: Press them both at the same time.

    Me: So, Ctrl and the flag and the R all at once? Can you do that on a computer?

    Steve: No, no! Only the windows key and the R!

    Me: You mean the flag?

    Steve: Yes! The Flag!

    Me: Okay, I pressed the flag. Now what?

    Steve: You have to press them both.

    Me: Press what both?

    Steve: The windows key and the R key!

    Me: Both at the same time? Can you do that?

    Steve: YES! Press them both!

    Me: Well...okay...

    Steve: Have you pressed them?

    Me: Yes.

    Steve: What do you see on your screen?

    Me: I see a steaming pile of b***s***, Steve!

    Steve: F*** YOU! (click!)

  17. Reacing these comments, I can't believe how many still don't understand that cell phones are not phones, they are portable tracking devices. The phone calls, the entertainment, the other services, are all just bait on the hook, a way to get you to rely on the devices.

    Landlines are telephones. Cell phones are portable tracking devices. Period. The push to get rid of landlines had one and only one purpose, to force people to adopt the portable tracking devices. All of the other arguments in favor of cellular services were bullshit from the beginning.

    1. The answer there is either LEAVE THE DAMN THING AT HOME or turn it off when out and about. People that think they need to be reachable or be able to reach someone via phone 24/7/365 are not using any of their brain cells.


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