
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

And now you know...

(CNN) With Demi Lovato revealing that they are non-binary and using they/them pronouns, it's a good time to make sure you're up to speed on pronoun etiquette. 

Because the English language lacks gender-neutral pronouns, those who fall outside the gender binary -- that is, people who don't identify as singularly male or female -- may find he/him and she/her constructions to be, well, lacking. Enter the singular "they."


I bet Mexican trannies really go apeshit - their language is chock full of 'El' and 'La' when describing something.


  1. I prefer the pronouns shit for brains and dumbass for describing the gender confused.

    1. There is a good argument for this. Basically combine all the pronouns into one: Sheheit, pronounced SHI-eet

  2. It's a sad cry for attention. Have to keep your name in the news cycle, otherwise the public forgets your untalented ass. LOOK AT ME.

  3. I don't think other cultures are quite as F'ed up as ours, so they probably have no problem with language.

  4. I'm not going to start using bastardized English just to protect some asshole's self image.

    If someone is so goddamn fragile that his world is going to fall apart because I said "him" instead of "they" then you can go fuck yourself. I have neither the time nor the inclination to worry about walking on eggshells around people I give precisely zero shits about.

    1. Exactly!!! Well said sir.

      When you write to the President, part of the login/header ID asks what pronouns you prefer. This is what communists do. They destroy your language and culture to make it easier for them to substitute their norms and agenda.


    2. When you think about it, these confused darlings are all quite happy with the pronoun "you" that you would use when talking face them directly.
      In essence, they are getting all atwitter about how people refer to them WHEN TALKING ABOUT THEM TO SOMEONE ELSE!

  5. Lord of the FleasMay 26, 2021 at 8:45 AM

    Because the English language lacks gender-neutral pronouns...

    Bullshit. "It" is as gender-neutral as you can get.

  6. When I encounter these people, I tell them my pronoun is "Lord God, King of the Universe"
    I play the game by their rules.

  7. I gotta confess man, I don't know who or what Demi Lovato is or what and don't give a fuck. No, don't bother to educate me. Now, it seems folks want to be freaks and not admit to being a freak.


  8. This is all so asinine. Can't wait to be arrested for refusing to call some mentally ill person by the pronoun they want. You can tape a horn to your forehead and want to be called a unicorn but I will not play along to your mental illness.

  9. English does have such a neuter pronoun - "it".

  10. The English language doesn't lack gender neutral pronouns. "It" is the correct pronoun when referring to a single non-gendered item. If you really believe you're neither male nor female, the English language has you covered.

  11. You're not helping these people by participating in their mentally ill fantasy.

  12. Don't matter if she's a them or they, with 2-ton Demi there's a whole lot of "them" or "they" to deal with.

  13. "Cute" article. Won't ever get apology out of me, though. The best one of them can expect is "Howdy, It!"

  14. My 'pronouns' are Fuhrer and Exalted.

    Ersatz Naugahyde

  15. Pronouns = Mr, Ms, Mrs.
    Gender = boy, girl, man, woman, male, female
    Sex type = male, female
    The English language covers all of them pretty well. The rest is nothing but bullshit.

    1. Pronouns = he/him/his, she/her/hers, I/me/mine, you/yours, they/their, it/its
      Gender = masculine, feminine, neuter
      Sex = male, female

  16. So I'm supposed to butcher the English language with this non-existent singular "they" because some twat can't be arsed to look "down there" and see if the naughty bits are of a dangly nature or not? No thanks.

  17. On the contrary, the English language includes a perfectly useful gender-neutral pronoun - "It."

    If it doesn't wish to be referred to as a girl, then so be it.

  18. This "problem" was sorted years ago. If you aren't he or she - you're it.

  19. Honestly I don't know who she is. Unless this is Demi Moore and she got married and this is her new name. Still wouldn't give a shit what she thinks.

  20. I can't remember all these different pronouns. I just call everybody 'Comrad.'

  21. [rocketride]

    Never mind their pronouns, what are their fookin' adjectives?

  22. [rocketride]

    Demi who?

  23. [rocketride]

    Demi who?

  24. Well from the outside looking at this, it would appear that “they and them” suffer from a multiple personality disorder. That’ll be $1,000 an hour therapist fee with a 1 hour minimum.

    1. Can I rub your belly for a refund? Asking for a friend. Lol.

  25. I don't believe I've ever read as much psycho-babble crammed into one article as I just read in this one.
    Thanks, CNN. You never disappoint.

    1. I did not get thru much of it at all, psycho-babble be damned it is just unreadable CRAP! I will never get that munute and a half back!!! grayman

  26. Not playing along with the crazies, just not going to. Son if you are confused pull your pants down your answer is between your legs. God only made two sexes.

  27. He/She/They/Xi/Xe....whatever.

    "You there" seems to cover all options equally well.


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