
Thursday, May 27, 2021

She seems to be handling the recoil well



  1. Truly fine behind.

    Criminal to deface it with that graffiti.

    1. You can't taste tattoo ink, so IDK what your problem is.

  2. For some reason I want a bowl of jello.

  3. I had a neighbor who lived next to our ranch that had a BMG .50, He was probably 6ft5 and 300 plus pounds, he would whine endlessly about the recoil of that weapon if he shot it more than once. That chick could definitely kick his ass.

    1. If one is a big guy, we soak up the recoil into our shoulders, instead of our shoulder being pushed back by the recoil and dissipating the energy.
      I had a 300 Win Mag that I had to sell because it literally turned my shoulder coal black if I shot it 2 or 3 times.
      My father on the other hand, who is half my size, could shoot it without that happening because he gave way and was pushed back by the recoil.
      The only time I didn't notice the hellacious kick so much, was when I was killing moose it, but it wasn't worth it to me to keep the gun because I didn't want a gun I could not target shoot to really dial in the sighting in on it.

      Tim in AK

  4. Submarines use the same principle for quieting.

  5. I'm pretty sure I can't afford any of the things I see in this video....

  6. Hot breeches. OG

  7. Eye Candy for sure! But Useless if it aint mine!


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