
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Biden Reminds Gun Owners the Government Has Nuclear Weapons

Speaking from the East Room of the White House Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden re-introduced his extreme gun control agenda, advocating for a ban on modern sporting rifles and reminding lawful gun owners that the federal government has nuclear weapons. 

"Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government," Biden said. "If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."

And you've got to check out Herschel's post on it for sure.


  1. Never make threats that you aren't willing to follow through on.

  2. I can't think of a single appropriate response that I'd want the FBI or the NSA to overhear, so...

    Kenny, have an awfully nice day!

    1. Don't live in fear John. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Tell the jerks at the alphabet acronym associations where they can put their concerns.

  3. Back when the first Men In Black movie was released one of the jokes in it was that the tabloids were actually the most accurate news sources available. In a case of life imitating fiction, the Bee is now has better reporting than the vast majority of the old media outlets.

    1. The joke was even kind of dated then: The National Enquirer broke a big Clinton scandal - he denied it, and no one believed *him*.

  4. It unbelievable that a group of subversives stole a Federal election for this imbecile. And, yes he was this idiotic before the onset of dementia.

    1. [rocketride]

      He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed before he lost his frontal lobes to hemorrhagic strokes and the effects of the clips used to block the arteries-- but he always has been a tool.

  5. ... or the states continue nullifying the federal government (and one day, standing up self defense forces) as always happens when empires collapse, then one day the feds realize they have no people and no land, just some pieces of paper and bits in a computer that say they have nuclear weapons.

  6. May I suggest Chicago first!


  7. Must have Swalwell as an advisor. Guess no one told the Afghanies or other groups that they need F-15s and Nukes.

    1. Thats what I was thinking, Afghans, Vietnamese, guess pudding cup never read any history. Strength in numbers.

    2. Genocide was never the goal of TPTB in Afghanistan, Vietnam, et al, merely profit. Genocide is, however, the explicitly stated goal of TPTB here. Big difference in how things will progress.

    3. The "laws of war" apply to how we treat foreign enemies. (Whether they are actual enemies of the American people, or just people who are inconvenient to the interests of the cosmopolitan elite is a separate discussion.)

      For domestic Americans, the ROEs will be per Dahya Doctrine. The name comes from southern suburbs of Beirut that were basically destroyed by the IDF in 2006 when rooting out Hezbollah headquarters.

      "With an outbreak of hostilities [the IDF will] act immediately, decisively, and with force that is disproportionate to the enemy's actions and the threat it poses. Such a response aims at inflicting damage and meting out punishment to an extent that will demand long and expensive reconstruction processes. [... Israel] will not be able to limit its response to actions whose severity is seemingly proportionate to an isolated incident. Rather, it will have to respond disproportionately in order to make it abundantly clear that the State of Israel will accept no attempt to disrupt the calm currently prevailing"

      Now replace "Israel" with "The US Federal Government" and "IDF" with "US Military" and you have the rules for what some of our public servants think should happen to Deplorable whites in flyover country.

    4. can't beat them with just guns??
      never underestimate the power of an old sharpshooter with a scoped deer rifle.
      start with congressional aids...if that dosen't get their attention, move up to assistants and deputies...then if necessary, congress critters.
      after a few representatives and a couple of senators are sniped, they will be begging for a peace accord.
      and at my age, life in prison is NOT a threat. three hots, a cot, and free medical care might be a pretty appealing offer.

  8. Most popular President in history busy unifying and uniting. Thank God we live in a free country where everyone has a voice in this great experiment.

  9. So, are we to infer he'd, or another wokefascist democrat would use nuclear weapons on the American People?

  10. This guy is a fkn' embarrassment to us all...."idiot" doesn't begin to describe him....

  11. [rocketride]

    And what do the fuckers expect to be eating once they've nuked the countryside where the food is grown?

  12. I'm afraid the strain is more than he can bear. Ohio Guy

  13. Great response from a while back on this:

  14. What makes these people think that our military will attack American citizens? Riot control is one thing, using a minimum on your mom's cousin or your own grandpa is something else completely.

    1. "What makes these people think that our military will attack American citizens?"

      The fact that just about every military in human history has been willing to do exactly that. The exceptions are notable precisely because they are so rare.

  15. Anyone know what laser wavelength and radar signature a SAM unit uses? Give them F-15 flyboys a little excitement on patrol! Bwahahaha!

  16. Been hanging a bit too long in the bacteria regeneration room there comrade slo jo.? Your IQ is showing it, cause it's below that of the average bacteria strain..... And this is what won by the largest majority in history, a 3rd round loser. At this rate the human race ain't gonna last another generation.

  17. Remember how the MSM had a shit hemorrhage when Trump told the Proudboys to "stand back and standby"?

  18. Time to invoke the 25th Amendment on Xiden. Threatening American citizens with Nukes? He's obviously lost what little brains he had. I guess Nanc had the right idea a couple months ago when she suggested that that Biden's access to the nuke codes be changed to "by committee".

    As to Schlicter's full rebuttal it's here:


  19. They've already used a bioterrorism weapon and a "vaccine" that does God knows what in the end.
    I doubt they have any more conscience about millions of American dead than Mao GAS about killing 50 million Chinese.

  20. You know somewhere someone heard he'd need nukes, looked at a map of DC, and thought, "ummm."

  21. It is kind of hard to launch a nuke without the second person turning the key

    1. I'm sure there are people waiting in line for the chance.


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