
Thursday, August 19, 2021

A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 7/9/21

 VIDEO HERE  (1 hour, 22 minutes)



  1. I am not going to watch this for 1 hour 22 minutes. Its probably clickbait. Just tell us what it is and and then MAYBE I will watch

    1. Funny, searching for it turns up the same presentation nearly everywhere...a link, a title, and no info.

    2. This video is important information from reliable people.. its nOt clickbait.. start watching and see.. Dr David Martin's company has a unique position reviewing patents, & they have worked hard reviewing over 4,000 to do with corona viruses etc and the conclusions are worth hearing - he explains it better than I can..

  2. Here is the dossier they're talking about.

    1. Thank you, "nines!" I saw the interview several weeks back and looked for supporting documents and other information on Dr. David Martin & Reiner Fuellmich without much success. This document and video destroy the lies about coronavirus and the various jabs and mandates. It is imparetive that people who are healthy avoid the jab and rely on supplements (D3, zinc, quercetin, & vitamin C) and ivermectic (from your doctor or farm store) to stay healthy. What an ugly state we are in. As Ben said "a Republic if you can keep it." Get ready. Store more beans, bullets and bullion. The Republic is worth saving!
      Colorado farmer

    2. Thank you for the link to the dossier. And big thanks to David Martin & Reiner Fuellmich & their teams & all the others working so hard for the benefit of Humanity

  3. Watch it double speed....
    It documents the patents on covid from 2002 to 2016. It indicates covid was let out by the big pharma and the government. Covid was hyped by the media to scare people into getting the "vax" I do not remember if they explained why they wanted the people to take the "vas" not sure if for money or populations control.
    Now go back to your Tom & Jerry cartoon or baseball game or whatever....

    1. Thanks zipsaw, btw, it's both: pop control and $. Ohio Guy

  4. If you see one video, make it THIS one:

  5. It also states that this “Novell” virus has been patented for 20 some years. It is also suspected that the gain of function research was to use the virus as a vector for HIV immunization. Make it highly contagious and adhere to lung tissue and deliver the HIV package that was engineered into the virus. Inoculation of the world population without knowledge or consent.


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