
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Migrants Who Entered the U.S. Illegally Say Crossing Legally Is Only for ‘Privileged People’

MCALLEN, Texas — Migrants who illegally crossed the border into the U.S. said immigrating legally is only an option for privileged people. 

“We all don’t have the same capacity or the same opportunity,” a Honduran man who had just crossed into the U.S. illegally with a group into La Joya, Texas, told the Daily Caller News Foundation Saturday night. “Only privileged people can cross legally.”


I have to take issue with this.
My brother-in-law's wife is a Naturalized American citizen, coming from Mexico I don't know how many years ago. She has a sister and brother who are also American citizens, both of them professional people, the brother being a dentist. I believe the sister works in administration for a large company, but don't quote me on that.
She has another sister and nephew who have been trying to emigrate to the United States for something like ten years now. They're property owners, better off than a lot of Mexicans in their homeland, but they're tired of the government there and especially the cartels. They're very nice, respectable people - I've met them both.
They've got sponsors, they're both more than willing to work, and they've gone through all the channels and done all the paperwork.
Last month, they were denied. Why? Because somehow, they missed one lousy form. Near as they can figure out, it was sent right after they moved to another address and didn't get forwarded. Now they have to start the process all over again.
When we saw them before they returned to Mexico last month, Lisa jokingly told her that she should just cross the border anyway because Biden was letting everybody in. She shook her head and said no, it must be done legally because that's the Law of the Land and they're God fearing people.
So, no - the privileged can't just cross legally like magic.


  1. If you are a Naturalized American with family living in Mexico you will send money to your family members. The mexican government loves the funds you send. They will not allow you to leave if you own property in mexico. Follow the money.

  2. You are equating owning property with privilege. They are not the same. If you are upper class, rub shoulders with the elite and have something to offer, you can come over. Working class people are not wanted.
    Frankly, they don't want working class Americans born in the U.D. of A. Either and are trying to drive us out.

    1. "drive us out."

      You misspelled "cull you". Oops, We're not supposed to say that part out loud.
      - Your Friendly Elites

  3. It is people like your extended family that America both needs and wants. Good people who will make our nation not only more solid, but who will love the freedom we enjoy. I know that I am lucky to have been born here, in the greatest nation on earth. But I also know that if needed, at the age of 61, I would still take up arms in defense of that freedom. That may be the best test of all, for someone to prove their love of America.

  4. "So, no - the privileged can't just cross legally like magic."

    But once they cross, legally now or later, they will be turned into Americans. Like magic.

    They will, forever and ever, cease being Mexicans. Or Hondurans. Somalis or Afghans. Living like Mexicans, Hondurans, Somalis, and Afghans. Mexicans, Hondurans, Somalis, and Afghans who were perfectly willing to go to America, with the explicit intent of disemploying Americans (none dare call such "invasion"). Just like every other American. (Well, at least, like every other United States' resident. Whose life matters.)

  5. @Pigpen51August 19, 2021 at 1:48 PM

    > It is people like your extended family that America both needs and wants. Good people who will make our nation not only more solid, but who will love the freedom we enjoy.

    > But I also know that if needed, at the age of 61, I would still take up arms in defense of that freedom. That may be the best test of all, for someone to prove their love of America.

    You, have already faced a test. To misquote a movie, "You have not chosen wisely."

    1. If you were not aware, there is a test that people seeking citizenship must take. It proves head knowledge of American civics, but does not show devotion to the country itself.
      Instead of saying something nasty, I will merely say that unless you know me, don't try and judge me or my motives by deciding how my choice is wise or not. My choice is my for me to live with. If you don't like it, choose differently for yourself.

  6. And KNOW this: What you see in media and what you see in real life, with your own eye(s) are two separate realities. Ohio Guy

  7. @Pigpen51 August 19, 2021 at 8:09 PM

    Boomers gonna boom!

    > My choice is my for me to live with. If you don't like it, choose differently for yourself.

    When your choice is to deny me my choice, the only different choice is kinetic.

    1. If your choice is to live on your knees, then you can expect me to die standing protecting you.

    2. How is your choice denied to you if someone else makes a different choice? You still get a choice. What is being denied to you? Serious question, not being snarky. Kevin

  8. Every migrant, refugee, and expat are by default traitors to their own countries. You cannot make a patriot out of a traitor. Their great grand children might be patriots but they never can be, but at the rate they are coming their grand children will most likely just be living in Azatlan, Somalia Nuerte, New Congo, or the Arab Emirates of America.

    'Mericans great flaw is their hubris in the invincibility of the American dream, and that just because some foreigner wants to live next to you, and work next to you, means he shares the same dream as you. Foreigners and their children have taken over 20% of the population share since 1980 and the rate is only increasing. They are opportunists and will gladly subjugate the founding stock to benefit themselves as they gain demographic dominance.

    1. Horseshit. My sister-in-law is Patriotic as hell, knows what she has in this country and appreciates it more than most native born Americans because she's known worse.

    2. I agree, I have worked for, with, and managed many first and second generation immigrants, legal or not, of various ethnicity, and have usually found decent, family oriented, with good work ethics,and loyal men and women citizens who chose to assimilate rather than cling to the past. Granted I've not lived in major cities, but rather smaller communities nor have I ever been accused of being a racist. I must live in a bubble, LOL.


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