
Monday, August 30, 2021

Consequences are Coming

Fear porn is great. The screaming Karen with her tard rags, mandates, and boosters obviously loves it. The coof is a death sentence! She’s so terrified she believes in a magic face talisman and that asymptomatic transmission happens all the time. Anyone unmasked can kill her at any time! 

Karen hides under the bed watching fear porn. How else will she know what is terrifying? Karen hasn’t had any fun since March 2020. 

Can you really blame her?


  1. [rocketride]

    Or those who she might have had fun with had she possessed a nice personality OR a nice face/body.

  2. We are all going to die, we would rather it was later than sooner but it is inevitable. The question is, are you going to stop living in your desperate need to put it off? It seems that, for the majority of people the answer is yes.

    1. "A man can die but once; we owe God a death and let it go which way it will.
      He that dies this year is quit for the next."
      -- Henry IV Part II, Act 3, Scene 2

    2. Right on! Most of us (I assume most) at least intuited how few would stand firm when the conditions called for it. Yet the AAR of the Cough-1984 was surprising to me. It opened my eyes, I was sorely disappointed, how so many would so easily toss out their liberties.

      I am still disappointed but no longer surprised. I see more clearly now. I see everyone is the enemy of freedom unless and until proven otherwise. Yes laddies, you are well and truly on your own.

    3. " Yet the AAR of the Cough-1984 was surprising to me. It opened my eyes, I was sorely disappointed, how so many would so easily toss out their liberties."

      There was a former mobster - Michael Franzese, if memory serves, but maybe a different one - who put it best: It's not surprising that people sell out; it's surprising how cheaply they do it.

  3. At least Karen is safe from the Flu.

    1. So are all of my faithful followers!
      - Rev. Jim Jones


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