
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Court Rules Against Catch and Release for Migrants

A federal trial court in Texas ruled against the Biden administration’s directives to catch and release some migrants on Thursday. 

A Texas federal judge blocked Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials from enforcing the Biden administration’s Jan. 20 and Feb. 18 memoranda prioritizing certain migrants for detention over others, granting Texas and Louisiana’s motion for a preliminary injunction, according to the court opinion.


  1. "The court ordered the DHS to produce monthly reports on the number of migrants released from custody or not immediately detained by ICE upon release starting in September. These monthly reports must include the reason for a migrant’s release and the name of the releasing official."

    Finally, a big fuck you Xiden regarding immigration law.

    That judge better not go any remote hunting trips. You never when a pillow is going to fall on your face.


  2. Ok yes, thats a start. Now lets get on with the deportations. Let’s get these illegal MFs out of our country. Then put Guardsmen or active army on the boarders with a very clear ROE, no one comes across the boarder, NONE. You shot enough of them and the word WILL GET OUT. Michael Yon just did a piece from Panama and theres thousands coming this a way

    Saber 7

  3. I'm all for catch and release as long as we take them far enough out into the gulf that they don't swim back.
    But which gulf?
    Actually, Europe is looking for workers to do low end labor. We could send them a million or three.


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