
Thursday, August 26, 2021

I'm seeing lower back problems in her future for some reason



  1. The lower back problems COULD be mitigated, depending upon how much time she spends ON her back...

  2. Yeah love big chesticles. Yet better be a massage therapist or stock up on YouTube videos on how to Aleve the pain in the lower back and pectoral region . Coming from experience.

    Pectorals, upper back ( spinatis muscles, rhomboids, levator scapulae, seratus anterior, traps, rhomboids) and of course the entire lower back plus glutes..... Lots of work to keep them bewbies happy and coming back. But oh so worth it.

  3. I'll make the sacrifice and massage any spots that may need attention

  4. Get a reduction girl or yer gonna have scoliosis big time. I knew a girl about five feet nothing maybe 110 lb. that carried around something like triple D's for years. She got a reduction but too late. Her back was destroyed.

  5. Are you going to offer her back rubs?

  6. She's obviously at no risk of drowning.

  7. Unlesd she wears better support, I see elongation down to her knees in the future.

    1. Let's call them what they're really going to be: kneeslappers. Nemo

  8. Tonto looks and declares: UGH. Them heep-too big to make tobacco pouches out of.

  9. And a good game of tetherball. Ohio Guy

  10. Those aren't tits, they are mudflaps.

  11. She'll have to spend a lot of time on her back.

  12. She looks like a milk maid I once knew.
    She was milking the family cow one morning when it kicked the pail over and got her in the head, knocking her out.
    When she came to , she was rather dazed, and being a popular girl, she looked up at the cows teats and said "One at a time, boys"

  13. On the other hand, she won't have to sweat facial wrinkles in her golden years; them funbags will keep the skin taut.


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