
Monday, August 23, 2021

In Mississippi???

The state health officer for Mississippi issued a COVID-19 isolation order on Friday, telling people that if they test positive for COVID-19 and refuse to self-isolate, they could face fines or possible jail time. 

In his isolation order, Mississippi State Health Officer Thomas Dobbs said that people have to isolate themselves at home once they become aware that they are infected. People are expected to remain home for 10 days after becoming ill or testing positive for COVID-19, regardless of whether they are fully vaccinated.


  1. Dobbs is an incompetent bureaucrat who is widely reviled throughout the state.

    1. 'Incompetent Bureaucrat'
      That seems to go with the title 'State Health Officer'.

  2. If you're sick stay home, it doesn't matter if it's the flu or something else, common sense should tell you to stay home and get well
    Unfortunately common sense isn't so common anymore

  3. Hey, if you feel sick, stay the fuck home. While all the mask mandates and shutdowns were totally bogus, and just a way for dickless civil servants to feel manly, common sense and common courtesy would have a sick person staying home without government instruction.

  4. Fuck that, EBT day is coming up.

  5. Part of the problem is the faulty test and the protocols pushed by the CDC and others.
    Case in point, should have had a follow up colonoscopy last year, canceled due to the plague and finally got an appointment earlier this month and had to take a C test TWO days prior to the procedure. If course, I tested + (false I believe based on other health issues), procedure canceled the day before, part way through prepping (my fellow readers who have had said procedure know the joy I had on that call!) and had to self isolate for 10 days.
    No symptoms at all, unsure when I would be able to reschedule the procedure if I kept testing here it the kicker!
    I do not need another test to schedule as I will test POSITIVE FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS due to the protein spikes associated with testing the first time.
    They could not answer when I asked how they would know if I actually had C or just testing +.
    Ass wipes and their BS interpretation of "science".

  6. If I'm sick what better place to be than 14 days in a county jail. 3 meals a day, vacation away from wife while sick, no one will get near you, lots of porn magazines, county picks up medical bill.

    1. And if you spit on all the guards, they'll have to go isolate for 10 days, too.

  7. Let me see if I understand all I think I know.

    If you're sick and won't self-isolate, they come and get you and put you in a building with lots of other people coming and going.
    Am I reading this right?


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