
Monday, August 23, 2021

Shoot an AK? Prepare to dig deep for ammo

U.S.A. –-( On 20 August 2021, the U.S. Department of State released a fact sheet announcing Russian firearms and ammunition importation will be banned for a minimum of 12 months starting 7 September 2021. From 


When I heard about this Friday night, I checked for prices and the cheapest was 29 cents a round for steel cased ammo. Saturday morning, it was at 30.5 cents a round at the low end.
The lowest priced brass cased is Yugoslavian Military Surplus and is going for 47.6 cents per round as I'm writing this Saturday afternoon.


  1. I bet there’s no shortage in Afghanistan.

  2. Ban 7.62 x 39 ammo. That should prevent dozens of innocent Black deaths on the streets of Chicago, NYC, Detroit, Atlanta.

  3. I can honestly say I got way way ahead of this one. Got a bunch of really nice Russian made hollow points that have that red sealer on them for long term preservation. The sides of the wooden cases say "Small Arms Ammunition". "Made in Russia". In English. Every time I meet a Never Trumper I show them one of those boxes and say "look at all the ammo the Russians gave for voting for Trump". Several meltdowns have ensued. I gotta get my amusement where I can.

    1. Mikey,did you get the 8M3?I bought a boatload when cheap,good enough for Spetnaz certainly good enough for me.

      I am amazed time and again how folks do not have money/time to stock up on ammo till a panic.

      I understand some folks are on tight budgets but those that are not and do not stock when the getting is good I just don't get.

      Most of the yugo ammo is corrosive primed,make sure to scrub extra well after using.

    2. Says "Made in Russia" on the wooden cases and individual boxes. Headstamp is TCW. This is Berdan primed, non corrosive steel case ammo with 122 grain hollow points. It runs really well in my SKS paratrooper carbine. I gave some to a buddy to try in his Ruger mini 30 but have not heard back.

  4. Price of 7.62x54r also jumped a good 30% ...
    On the flip side, maybe outfits like PRVI / PPU can add capacity and take up the slack. Hey, one can hope !!

  5. So if you owned a AK or SK and the ammo was the cheapest on the planet why would you wait till the last minute stock up? Really it was almost as cheap as 22lr at one point.

  6. Well, I have been looking for a ruger mini 30. GUESS i'LL PUT THAT ON THE BACK BURNER FOR NOW.

  7. So the other day I'm working in the garage/man-cave-to-be and I move a large cabinet away from the wall. As I look behind it I'm wondering why I put it in front of 29 empty ammo cans. Uh no, ~7600+ rounds of (mostly) silver tip 7.62X54R in the cans... Still haven't recalled why I put it there back in around 2013.


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