
Friday, August 06, 2021

More companies are requiring vaccinations for employees. Here's the latest list

Corporate America is getting serious about vaccines. 

In the last week, companies from Disney to Walmart to Google have begun mandating their employees get shots to protect against COVID-19. Even famed restaurateur Danny Meyer said it's not just his employees who must be vaccinated: He won't serve customers in his restaurants without proof they've gotten the vaccine.


  1. I won’t associate with google or Wally World long before this list, but glad to know who not to do business with.

  2. It won't take long for the government and businesses to resurrect the old "Caput Lupinum" decrees. By hook or by crook, it will be made mandatory for all.

  3. Thanks for updating the boycott list.

  4. The Commies are very clever and ruthless. They know how to make people dance to their tune. They'll tighten the screws till even the most obstinate resister has to throw in the towel or is rotting in jail. Just look at the Jan. 6th political, solarty confinment, prisoners. Anyone see any patriots trying to storm the jails to free them?

  5. Is the vaccine approved by the FDA? Or is it still under Emergency Use Authorization?
    Are there any class action lawsuits against companies doing this?

    1. Meantime, the FDA is trying to keep HCQ and Ivermectin off the market, along with a new concoction from Eli Lilly that isn't mRNA and reportedly works w/o all the side effects. None of that, until the "gene therapy" makers milk the cow dry.

  6. Meanwhile the govt can stand there and say "We're not forcing anyone... it's a business' decision." Exactly the same as Google, Facebook and Twitter censoring speech, while govt gleefully watches. It is sidestepping the constitution. The job of the govt is to secure the rights of the people. Whether govt acts to prohibit those rights or FAILS TO ACT in defense of them it is not fulfilling it's primary role. This is defacto govt tyranny by proxy.

    1. Any time that the government uses private companies to circumvent the constitution, it should be unconstitutional. Look into how the FBI use Harris Corp's Stingray devices. Or the private company that scarfs up all license plates passing by CCTV cameras (unconstitutional for the police to do) and then sells access to the database to the local police.

      5his is the definition of fascism. It should have been stopped at private prisons or when we first got a whiff of it.

  7. Is this how they finally get a revolution started? When so many are put out of work they won't have much to lose by starting a real fight to survive!

  8. I know this comment is going to be unpopular, but I'd like to point out that there is established precedent for a mandate requiring all to be inoculated that no one is talking about or has even mentioned.

    The precedent is you can not enroll your child in public school without the child be vaccinated for all sorts of diseases. I believe that most of those laws are state with a few federal laws thrown in.

    Yes, you can argue that those vaccinations are true vaccines that have been time tested. All that argument does is delay the mandate until the EUA is turned into approved use by the FDA, which is coming, SOON, despite any and all evidence that the current versions are truly harmful.


  9. Does anyone else find it odd that the reason there is a crisis is because the hospitals cannot handle the patient load - yet they are going to fire approx half the staff since they will not submit to poisoning!

    1. Yup. Add Kaiser Permanente (215,000 employees) to the list.

  10. They are Desperate, as is evidenced.

    Dog Eater flu is The, Single Greatest Divide and Conquer Element (I) and this country have ever witnessed. Imo.
    It can/Has divided not just day to day interactions, functions, relationships etc etc ....
    but.....Everything American. Including the Famlies.

    Hell, folks that agree on damn near 99.9% of everything are Divided on this jabby jabby bs.
    I got hardass R wingers in my Family and and they have been for decades.
    Yet, they Found Thier Excuse to Allow the Dealer to Boot Them up with The Dragons Poisons and “encourage” others to do so, for the old, yoot, so we can get back to mormal(hahahaha NEVER gonna Happen), hell one said it was Patriotic(jesus! Really? Hahaha)

    Give the Enemy it’s do, ...Homerun.
    Sucks gettin beat. And we got Bested.

    Even Freedom doesn’t have the TA or Skill with them to keep folks ....Faithfull.

  11. There is no "vaccine" for da Covid. You take the shot, you can still get the virus.

  12. They even attack you for protesting restaurants requiring proof of vaccination.

  13. Well Kenny, they are requiring my wife who works for the Medical Center in Bowling Green to get it. We have filed for a religious exemption since we are both adamantly pro-life. We spent most of today crafting it, then took it to our pastor to make sure nothing was missed. We will see.
    They want to force everyone to resign instead of fire them for refusal.

    If I am correct and the delta is vaccine enhanced immune response, then who exactly are they going to have working in the hospitals?

    Steve in KY

    TJ Samson and Greenview Regional are not, neither is Hospice.

  14. They intend to destroy the health care system, economy, and society in order to usher in their Communist Revolution. You can find online a form to give your employer to sign accepting liability for any adverse reaction to the notvax. If your employer refuses to sign and fires you, you will be in a stronger legal position to sue them.

  15. Wife it works than those that refuse will be rounded up. They will not have a national card until fraud cuts in to the profit of big pharma. They will deny gun permits if no proof, can't pay taxes, can't drive, fly, get married or have a family. They will use this to control everything about are lives by tying it to Corbin offsets we become the offsets.


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