
Friday, August 06, 2021

No shit?

The standardized testing scores of students across the state of Tennessee heavily declined in the past year, largely due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

The results released by Governor Bill Lee and the Department of Education revealed that scores showed a 5% decrease in proficiency since the year prior.


Did they seriously think those kids were going to sit around and study all day? Lisa's granddaughter treated it as a year long summer vacation and spent about half her time living with her cousin in Clarksville - and her parents let her.


  1. Back in grade school in the 80s, my family went on a six week vacation to Australia. My parents got all the schoolwork and handouts for the 6 weeks and off we went. I completed ALL of it on the 18 hour flight down. Came back to class and i was 6 MONTHS ahead. Nothing has changed in 40 years.

    Schools wouldnt release a years worth of work at once. 1 weeks worth every week. So monday morning my kids logged in and did the weeks work before lunch and logged back out.

    Caught my 12 yo daughter wrote a script to log in her laptop to school zoom for attendancw for rest of the week and buggered off with her friends.
    I was terribly dissapointed to learn that she found the program online and didnt write it herself and thus couldnt sell it to her friends for a profit. Made sure she shared it with her older sisters whom had decided to simply eat the absences since there was no real penalty if the work was done. Black mark on thier permanent records.

    That grades only dropped 5% simply says that schools, teachers and unions only add 5% to a childs education.

    1. Just try and find a teacher today that has their lesson plans and handouts six weeks ahead.

    2. How about the CRT pushers., rick?

  2. If they did or did not study all day is not important. What is important is they did not get taught to the test. They actually may have been expected by parents to learn something. Education is about churning out compliant dunder-heads not thinking individuals. Dads and Moms want kids that stop doing stupid things and think. Just what Dads have been yelling at kids for the past 70 years

  3. Schools don't produce deep thinkers or philosophers now; just mediocrity and groupthink.
    Most of our 21st century purveyors of the profound seem to be stand-up comedians.

    1. For a dissection of the futility of government schools, I strongly recommend THE UNDERGROUND HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION by Gatto.
      Gatto earned New York state's Teacher Of The Year for several years, before abandoning the mess known as 'government education'.
      * Can you imagine everything you know is wrong?


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