
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Death of the Global Cop

What follows is what I consider the main practical consideration for understanding the international predicament of the United States today. This analysis is largely drawn from my handbook, A Student’s Guide to International Relations, and my forthcoming book on the teachings of John Quincy Adams. 

Here and now, more than usual, a nation’s relation with others flows less from choices about policy than it does from the character of its people and ruling class. Scarcely any foreign policy is possible for a people who hate one another. All but the most basic functions are beyond being supported by a population—of ever lower intellectual and moral capacity—that has lost confidence in its leaders. Today’s U.S. ruling class is thoroughly corrupt and absorbed in domestic revolution. No serious statesmen would display their own country’s internal divisions as does the U.S. by flying the LGBT flag. It is not reasonable to expect foreigners to take seriously American statesmen who do not take seriously their own country’s unity and interests.


  1. China is watching very closely what is happening in the Middle East.
    China will be taking Taiwan by Labor Day, Guam soon after and blockading Japan by the end of the year.
    Russia is supplying Western Europe with natural gas for their winter heating needs and the EU is in worse shape than we are because if they say the wrong thing Putin will close the valves and let them freeze.
    US can not be the police of the world anymore, we are financially and leadership bankrupt. We could suck it up and return to the country we were after WW2 but that would require discipline and sacrifice, two traits we no longer possess.

    1. China's got some worries now that the US has bugged out of Afghanistan, though. Their Western areas can politely be described as "restive, at best". A bunch of heavily armed fellow-Islamists flush with victory might suddenly decide to take up with the Uighurs.

    2. China will be in Afghanistan mining and taking all of their $2 trillion in mineral resources.

  2. The greatest military defeat of any modern army since the French Maginot Line was overrun in the early years of WW2.

  3. Death? More like a murder/suicide.

  4. This is not a problem. It is not even an issue.

    For the trans/inter/non-national residents of The United States Etc., this was a 20 year, unnecessary (and, hence, unforced) demonstration of the trans/inter/global-empire's power. The abject perversity was the point. As with all the trans/inter/non-national residents of the trans/inter/global-empire, being caught (especially being caught by confessing on TV) committing perjury, treason, genocide, does not incur the ire of fellow trans/inter/non-national residents of the trans/inter/global-empire. At worst it requires you be given a new title. Perhaps a new residency. And a(nother) honorarium. Thanking you for your service.
    Americans have as much stake in The United States Etc.'s empire games as the Afghans. Americans have escaped from occupation by international empire, before. Just like the Afghans. But that was a long... long... time ago. Don't expect the Afghans to remind them how it *must* be done. Americans don't have a problem with trans/inter/global occupation. Of their homeland. They can stop whenever they want to. They just don't want to. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  5. The American embassy in Madrid had a huge BLM banner on the front. Couldn’t see the flag, though.

  6. @Timbotoo August 18, 2021 at 2:14 AM

    > The American embassy in Madrid had a huge BLM banner on the front.

    Their is no American embassy in Madrid. Just as there is no Catalonian embassy in Columbia.

    > Couldn’t see the flag, though.

    The Glorious Rainbow!? I assure you, xir, it was there!


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