
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Must be a lot of construction going on in Kenosha. Yeah, that's it.....



  1. Doesn't it take a forklift to unload a pallet of bricks?
    No one saw this?
    How much does a pallet of bricks cost?
    Someone with the wherewithal could make some money picking them up.

    1. Another repeat of the summer of 2020. They did this before.

    2. This tells you the state of our nation....
      Someone paid for a delivery midget truck, security traffic cams saw the plates... Nobody goes to jail????

    3. The delivery trucks usually have a boom with forks to unload the pallets. There's not always going to be a crew to unload and the driver ain't unloading them a handful of bricks at a time.

    4. sound like free bricks to me. load up!

    5. I'm with Anonymous, start making the rounds throwing bricks into your pickup bed and see who comes out of the woodwork.

      "Oh! I'm stealing your bricks? Wanna show me a recipt where you paid for them?"

  2. Seems like fake news. BLM is not going to riot over a white guy killing white antifa losers.

    1. I can tell you're not following the news about this at all. There's a shitload of BLM protestors right outside the courthouse today.

    2. Break, loot murder pass up a chance to loot? Christmas is just around the corner, not many shopping days left.

    3. Seriously?

      Tim in AK

    4. It’s not a riot. It’s a Black Friday sale.

    5. Delusional thinking strikes all too often today. Sad.

    6. This has been nothing but a commie leftard produced kangaroo court to promote continued commie brownshirt antics and disruption of, and forcing our country into a communist socialist state. No matter the outcome it's gonna get ugly by any means necessary, to many are fighting and questioning the jab orders so more anarchy chaos and disruption are called for, this fake trial everyone of us here knows is bogus, is being used as the match that starts the next fire. It's what they do. Only logical way to stop the nonsense is to implement Rule 308.

    7. Antifa is the Brownshirt wing of the Democratic party, can't let anyone get away with putting them down.

    8. anon at 1027, you're a fedtroll. change my mind - Blazing Apostle

    9. BLM? Maybe not but the violence is already starting. Antifa thugs and their fellow goons and goose steppers will riot for any reason or none. We sure saw it here last year.

  3. Prepositioning for the "peaceful protests", just like we saw in Portland, Minneapolis, & St Louis. But of course, no one will be prevented or caught, "protesting".

    As was pointed out in another blog, the FBI & police could easily stop this if they wanted to. Since they don't they must be supporting this, I assume at the direction of the Deep State.

    1. The pallets had to be dropped off by someone in a large truck with a forklift. Why were they not reported and stopped?

  4. Well.....send out public works and pick them up....


    1. Or the locals show up and clean up the know, like the Cajun Navy. Don't need any officialdom to 'fix' the problem. trucks full of locals going from pile to pile loading them up and hauling them off.

    2. Where the HELL is the mayor????....he should have 'em immediately picked up and stored for city use. And the Governor could have the Natl. Guard in the streets right now, and cleaning up the pallets.
      .....unless they're in on it.
      And if that city goes down in flames again by the terrorist left, the righteous right should march to their homes and tar and feather the bastards.

    3. Pick them up. What fucking cheese-addled idiot would leave them there? Who in the hell just drops off pallets of bricks? Pick them up and drop them off at habitat for humanity or something. Idiots.

  5. Guess I know where to get supplies for my new backyard fireplace.

  6. This is the same thing that happened last year at most of the major dem supported riots.

  7. They KNOW where the bricks are.
    Send a crew,pick them up.
    Bring the Guard into town.
    Declare a mistrial
    With prejudice,

  8. bricks cost money. someone is behind this shit, and we need to find out who is paying for the bricks and who is dropping them off at handy locations in the city.
    I hate to say this, but the cops could have stopped this shit before it happens, so,,,,
    who telling the cops to stand and forget whoever dropped off the brick piles ?
    on the bright side, you could save a bit of money grabbing said bricks if you wanted to do a walkway or some other project. far better use of them than what they have planned for them.

    1. "bricks cost money. someone is behind this shit, and we need to find out who is paying for the bricks"

      Hi, I'm George Soros, billionaire who funds all sorts of festive ventures. Have we met?

  9. it would be simple enough to find out where they came from, and then who paid for them as well.
    moving a pallet of bricks is not a easy task without the right gear to unload them.

  10. Find out who was hired to place the bricks and where they were paid to place them. Then find out who paid the bill and name them publicly. If the local, state, and federal law enforcement officers aren't doing this they are in on it.

  11. Send a flatbed with a forklift and pick the m*therf*ucking bricks up now! That's what I would be telling the mayor and rallying other Kenoshans to be doing it too. If they want a town they're going to have to get on their hind legs.

  12. If there's a pallet of bricks and it is not at a worksite, then that right there is conspiracy to incite a riot. All involved should be arrested, charged, and their identities made public.

  13. Gravy, I need a couple pallets of bricks. Any chance someone could liberate a few for me? I mean, if they are just planning to throw them away.... ;)

  14. this will not end well, he didn't pick wisely...

  15. Anybody need bricks for their house construction?

  16. If he is let off or the mistrial with prejudice goes through, every business owner and resident should be outside, armed up, and shoot any rioter on sight. Tell the police to fuck off and go home.

  17. They probably used one of the construction delivery trucks that has a crane built on to unload them.
    The police certainly saw the unloading, as did the FBI surveillance assets, but as they are supporting the imported rioters, there will be no investigation as to who paid for the bricks and their delivery.
    John in Indy

    1. The Effa Bee Eye is too busy investigating parents that show up at school board meetings.

  18. Somebody ordered those bricks.
    Somebody delivered those bricks.
    Somebody paid for those bricks.
    Easy enough to find out.
    Your own government wants you dead.

  19. Is the National Guard, mobilized to prevent/control rioters, according to reports, being authorized to use live ammunition? Asking for a friend.

    Next question: Why hasn't the convicted felon who attacked Rittenhouse been arrested/charged for felon in possession, instead of being made the star witness for the prosecution?

    Final question: Since the prosecution turned over exculpatory evidence; in the form of a high res video, instead of the low res grainy video presented at trial, of the incident to the defense AFTER the trial had concluded, why hasn't the judge dismissed the case with prejudice for prosecutorial misconduct?


    1. Nemo, that's similar to a stunt pulled by the prosecution in the George Zimmermann trial. The prosecution cracked Tray-Tray's phone in February, but didn't pass the info to the defense team until the Friday before the trial started on Monday.

      When the IT guy testified to this in court, Prosecutor Angela Corey fired his ass.

  20. Where did the funds for that come from?

    1. Probably from some guy that used to collect "donations" from Jewish people headed for summer camp.

  21. I just had my FarceBook account suspended for posting an awful evil meme...
    What was the meme you ask?
    It was a picture of Crowder at a desk with a sign that says:
    "Kyle Rittenhouse is Innocent, Change my mind"
    According to the Burn, Loot, and Murder party and their slaves in the MSM, The idea that we are presumed Innocent until Proven guilty no longer applies to anyone they disagree with.

    MSG Grumpy

  22. Will they give Kyle his AR back or should he get a new one for when he leaves the courthouse? Get him a bayonet lug this time...

    1. Yall getting ready to learn something about how self defense actually is applied.

      I would say it would be beneficial, but you have to get off the couch first, lmao

      Sweet jesus, you tards are something else

    2. You talk a lot of shit for somebody hiding behind a keyboard. You're nothing but a typical fucking anonymous left wing coward.
      -Ken Lane

    3. Umm. Forefinger extended, middle finger on trigger, hellfire installed, and the sights dialed in.

      20 round mag btw. That just about cover it?

    4. That would be the first question I'd ask the judge right after he bangs the "You're free to go" gavel.

  23. Hey, asshole Anon.
    Be terrible if there was something waiting for you in that pile of bricks.

  24. Why is anyone surprised by the magic brick delivery fairy dropping off some social justice bricks in time for the verdict.
    My question is how is this being done and nobody sees nothing. These trucks with the built in lift arm are not small or cheap, a pallet of brick ain't cheap, and it's being done in plain view on a public road.
    Same as last year,but nobody is asking the questions again, who provided the signage, transportation, logistics and bricks all across America, most of the "protesters" don't own a pot to piss in nor a window to dump it out of,but can travel cross country during the kung flu scamdemic with no issues? Somewhere is a paper trail that leads back to the support chain.

  25. It's done with the tacit approval of the State.
    Those bricks are either sitting on public or private property right now.
    If they were piling them up in my town I would certainly compose a strongly worded letter to the Mayor.

  26. You’re asking the wrong questions. Who paid, who delivered, etc. is all irrelevant. No one paid to have them delivered because they own the shell company that owns the delivery trucks. They own the shipping company that brought the bricks from the factory or distributor. They may own the cement factory too, or the distributor that buys them by the tens of thousands from the factory. Shell compnay after shell company or LLC. You’re talking about soros level money here, or straight taxpayer funded government alphabet agency dark money which is the same thing. Don’t get lost in the weeds of trying to chase a non-existent paper trail.
    If I had a store & someone dropped a pallet of mystery bricks on the block I’d spend all day moving them into my back room if I had to. These are mine, they just dropped them in the wrong spot. You say they’re yours, well, show me some ID & a receipt fuckface, otherwise I’m calling the cops.
    Patriot flash mob this shit. Best thing to do would be for organized groups to go to each location & take all the bricks. Roll a caravan of flatbeds & pickups, cover your license plates just like the antifags in Seattle’s CHUMP (Capital Hill Unorganized Marxist Protest) zone did. Rent the trucks from the local Lowe’s, Home Depot, & uhaul if you have to. Dash cams & plenty of streaming video, get a couple of hobby drones for aerial footage if you can. Mask up, it’s a pandemic after all, right? If anyone tries to stop you, you have them on video eight ways from Sunday. We ain’t gonna make the fucking commies into good little commies playing by the Queensbury rules. Take their own playbook & make them choke on Every. Last. Page.

  27. Open season on any vehicle delivering pallets of bricks to anything but a construction site.

  28. Position a sniper watching each pile. Like hunting over bait.

  29. Replies
    1. That's how good folks should be thinking and doing.


  30. You'd think the cops would be all over these pallets just out of self preservation

  31. Sounds pretty simple to me:
    Shoot any motherfucker with a brick in their hand.
    Unless they have trowel & mortar with them...


  32. Move the piles to City Hall, build a permanent Gallows. Attach sign, "For Offical Use Only!".

    Mayor of Kenosha is related to the Commie DA BTW.

  33. Wow, makes me wonder about what the comments that Ken Didn't approve said!

    1. Fuuuuuck.... I never realized how many pinko commie fags read my blog.

  34. Pour a few gallons of epoxy on them, then sit back and laugh.

  35. People, people, please.

    Leave the bricks alone.

    have teams stake them out.

    Anyone picking up a brick gets a free headshot.

    Why stop one riot, when you can stop hundreds of riots?

    Didn't KR's target selection choices teach us anything at all??

    It would also be a terrible shame if the local brick suppliers all got "night letters" suggesting they either retrieve every one of those piles in haste, or prepare for the first bottles of the Christmas season to come to them might involve a flaming wick tied around the bottle neck. ;) Along with a suggestion that they release the name(s) of the ordering parties on the internet, and also contact the state police, local police, and National Guard bureau thereabouts.

    Bonus points if "someone" left a personal greeting for the brick delivery truck drivers on their door handles. Of both the company trucks, and their POVs.

    The game gets a lot less fun when the instigators and facilitators have their feet held to the fire. And you use actual fire.

    Just saying.


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