
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday gifdump













  1. Replies
    1. You say "Fantastic," I say asshole move.

    2. Kid here in Houston Texas area attempted to "roll coal" on some cyclists and apparently lost control of the truck, running over the cyclists. Serious injuries all around, I don't think there was any fatalities but not sure. He's facing at least 6 felony charges. So while those spandex assholes are annoying, try not to run them over. And especially try not doing it on camera.

    3. Law allows bicycles on the road, they might annoy you but get over it. There was plenty of room for the truck to go around with out telling everyone he had a short dick and likes little boys.

    4. I ride a bicycle and I own a diesel truck. Some bicyclists are PITAs, and some diesel truck owners are unworthy of the honor. With that said, I would put a foot squarely up that fella's butt for a move like that.

    5. Rolling coal is a piece of shit move.
      I used to work with an asshole that thought doing it to Priuses was funny until one of his victims followed him and beat him so badly he had to have reconstructive surgery on his face. The cocksucker deserved every bit of it.

  2. #6: democrats on the way to the climate conference.

  3. #10. Must have still been plugged in. Whoops

  4. Replies
    1. His other job is stacking shelves at WM...

    2. Announcing Amazon Crime.

      50/50 I'd send myself another package, just to have a little chat with him at shotgun point about a choice between compensatory damages in cash, on the spot, with a handwritten apology, or holding him for the sheriff for prosecution, and sending a copy of the video to his manager and local TV station.

  5. #9..did you know that in Spanish, Nova means "it won't go"?

    1. That is false. In Spanish Nova means exactly the same as in English, an exploding star. And by the way, that is a Mercury Capri, not a Nova.

    2. It’s a play on words. If you read it as “no va” then it means doesn’t go.

    3. No va does mean “doesn’t go”; va being the third person singular of the verb, ir. This was the joke in all the South America countries about the Chevy Nova.

    4. It's a Capri, looks like '71 or '72, and a waste of a decent car. I had a '74 when I was 18, & they're remarkable: much better cars than they look. Mine had the 2-liter German engine, 7 the little fucker would move!
      Hell, I'd like to find an old Capri just to have around for a toy (it gets too cold for a bike sometimes), but they've become overpriced.
      --Tennessee Budd

    5. Front suspension was the PITA feature of the Capri. I can see it failing in that way.
      I had 3 Street Capris, a 1600, a 2 liter, and a 2.3

    6. '70 Capri.
      Wheelie bar but no solid front axle?
      Tsk, tsk.

  6. 1. Someone needs to give that horse a salt block

    1. One of our mini's does the same thing to anything human.
      She was licking my calf when I was adding a roof the the loafing shed and expected a bite, but she just likes to lick.

  7. #3 We have a few local farmers/ranchers that glue indoor/outdoor carpet to the top of their pickup bed toolboxes so their dogs can ride on them and have some good footing.

  8. #5... For some reason my mind went immediately to the song "Lemmings" from an old Harvard Lampoon album.

  9. 3 should have his ass kicked for being so stupid with his dog.

  10. #3 i have seen this kind of thing before. border collies ain't sceered. most people put carpet on their trucks so that the dogs can get some traction. collies are the coolest.

    1. Looks like a Jack Russell to me. I used to have these psycho terriers when I farmed and they are absolutely fearless. I had one that when riding in the car would dive at the driver sided windows to try to catch the cars going the other way.

    2. I knew a heeler like that. He used to ride in the water truck and snap at the tree limbs going past the open window. One day he caught one and it yanked him out the window.

      It didn't cure his habit.

  11. #2 Needs more basic life experience. I tend to be careful about how I transport my products since they are exact specimens, expensive, and it's on me to refund or replace if it gets damaged.

    #3 Floor paste.

    #4 Impulse control issues. If he wasn't fired, I predict he would have quit a thankless, contracted job.

    #6 Is a douche, it's the deep countryside with minimal traffic; one of the better places for bikes. If they had cameras / go-pros and a license plate they could prosecute.

    #9 Expensive.


  12. No. #6 was just more assholiness.

    I get just as annoyed by bicyclists myself, but there was no call for that needle-dick pickup driver to do that.

  13. #6 - I thing my buddy and I started this back in '77. His folks had an old Ford Galaxie that burned more oil than a Chinese restaurant. We used to find joggers. bike riders, and pedestrians and slow down near them and he'd nail the pedal. It would leave the biggest cloud of smoke you could imagine (aside from the weed cloud coming out of our windows). Some of the funniest shit I've ever done.

    If you lived near Doylestown, Pa., and got hit by us, I apologize...

    1. My first car was a 4 door, Ford Galaxy 500. It had a 351 with a Cleveland block, and it felt the same going down the road at 35 as it did at 80. It was a 1971. My 2nd car was a 1973 Ford Gran Torino, with the same engine. That car was FAST.

  14. #2:
    Another Common Core graduate who figured she'd never need geometry or physics in life.


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