
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Sorry lady, we don't go for that shit around here

A new top official at the Tennessee Department of Education advocated previously in California for “math equity,” the concept that working to answer correctly is an example of racism and white supremacy. 


  1. EVERYthing is RAAAAAAACIST, don'cha know!

    (This is NO way to go through Life!)

  2. Tennessee has a problem and it's not Rachael Maves. It's with their Department of Education's unelected bureaucrats who would pluck a communist lunatic like Rachael out of the state with the worst education system in America to come and Californicate Tennessee's schools. Write your governor and call him out on this. It's complete and utter horseshit.

  3. Take note: new top official.
    Elected, or appointed? Either way its closer to purple....

  4. I'm an engineer, had two years of calculus in college, and of course nearly all my courses involved math, especially both how we arrived at, and the correct answer. Who knew for the past 40 years, I was a racist? Come to think of it, half my professors were from the middle east, Asia including India. I didn't know they were racist too.
    Now I realize I was a victim, I was taught by racist Whites, Indians, Asians, and Arabs. I want to be reimbursed for my college tuition! LoL

    1. I had an Asian TA for calculus in college. Only problem I had was he could show you how to do the equation buyt not tech you how to do it. I still got ab than ks to a math tutor. and turning in all homework

    2. "Come to think of it, half my professors were from the middle east, Asia including India. I didn't know they were racist too. "

      No, no, no. That was the toxic legacy of colonialism!
      - Academia

  5. 3 Mexicans times 4 blacks still equals a dozen ankle monitors...

    1. And probably a busy coroner.

  6. Sure, the Fed Dept of Ed. and Fed, state and local teachers union switched from Arithmetic to the "New Math" back in the 70's and have since modified the curriculum on several occasions to make the "New Math" even more confounding.

    Then they wonder why Dick and Jane can't do basic math in 12th grade.

    Then because Dick and Jane can't add, subtract, multiply or divide without a calculator, those very same people; the ones that fucked the curriculum ten ways from Sunday, now demand Equity, which is another term for dumbing down the curriculum even further.

    All brought to you people like Dr. Ed. Jill Buydem, who, because they have Dr. Ed. after their name, seem to think that they know better than the history of literally thousands of years of teaching math to young people.


    1. And what a coincidence. Rachael Maves, the subject of this article, has a PhD Ed from U.C. Davis. Pretty much says it all.

  7. It does go a long way towards explaining the Nigeria space program.

  8. Apparently, Tennessee does go for that shit.

  9. Had A black CEO once who would do calculus in her head for fun.

  10. Rachel Maves can be shown the errors of her ways by a meeting with the four walls....

  11. Who is the racist, the person who takes people as they find them and judges every individual on their own merits, or the person who says that math is white supremacy because non white people are too stupid to do it?

  12. Every bridge still standing and every aircraft still flying was designed by a racist.
    The others I avoid.


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