
Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Did Pueblo not learn a thing from California?

PUEBLO, Colo. (KRDO) -- In 2021, theft and larceny in Pueblo is up 11%. Auto theft has almost doubled in the city, going up 46%. However, thanks to a current policy in place, some thieves can avoid jail time.

In a crime report given to Pueblo City Council in November, Pueblo Police Chief Chris Noeller said, "the current policy of the Pueblo County Jail is to accept only those felony charges with the exception of DUI or domestic violence,"

He adds, "in the case of thefts, a person can steal up to $1,999.00 of merchandise from store or person and will not be taken to jail."


  1. Retailers should hide a $2 bill somewhere in or on any product that cost $1999.00❗️🤪🤪🤪

    1. Or add a penny to the price.

    2. mark everything in the store up $2000. then apply a $2000 discount at the register. a candy bar is marked $2001.50. walking out the door with it, it's worth $2001.50. at the register the $2000 markdown makes it $1.50.

      problem solved.

  2. COVID has been a "woke" wet dream. Overcrowded jails is the excuse.

  3. i'm going there to do my Christmas shopping.

  4. When does the shooting start?

    1. When you peasants beg us to impose law and order. Then we're gonna start shooing all manner of people. But until then, more chaos!
      - The Government

  5. Ummm. The people in pueblo are from california. Thats the problem. They dont like what california did and moved out. They cant figure out that they are the problem.

  6. That sounds like open season on pot stores.

  7. I live in pueblo west. Here's the deal: everybody shoplifts.
    Regular everyday middle class clean folks. I've been with friends and they steal. I freak out afterwards in car are you crazy? Don't ever do that around me again.
    You make plenty of money to pay for stuff.
    Was talking with self checkout guard lady at walmart. She hated the job because at least 20% of people would rip off self check out. It's non stop theft. When confronted they had plenty of money to pay. Nobody cares because it is so rampant.

    It's becoming self perpetuating. Very rarely were the cops ever called. People have lost fear of punishment or stigmatism. I asked the sporting goods guy why all the fishing lures were behind locked glass. Because there was one single thief who constantly stole hundreds of lures. Basically one thief pushed walmart to make it a pain to go find someone to unlock the lures now.
    Until punishment starts back up, why would anybody pay for stuff, when you can get it for free? Say you steal 50$ worth each month. It adds up fast as a way to save money. Very few people consider accountability from God on judgment day when you stand before him and you are a person who steals.

    1. If you're the only person paying retail while everyone else steals, you're the chump, unfortunately.

  8. Pueblo is filled with thieves, and run by thieves. Steal city!!!

  9. Maybe it has something to do with .gov having a large presence there - bad influence.


  10. I wonder . . . if the local politicians and the cops who obey them allow law-breaking, of laws which the locals did not write and thus have no authority to abrogate, can they be sued in local, county, state, federal courts?

    If not, can the individuals who are losing property then "un-delegate" the authority granted to contracted law enforcers and take action on their own?


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