
Friday, December 17, 2021

Vax To Vote Is Coming

Raheem Kassam of The National Pulse talks about how the progressive elites are working to solidify their hold on power by manipulating elections.


  1. They do want war.....

  2. I call bullshit. Around here you don't even need to be alive to vote Democrat. My Dad never voted Democrat until after he died, and I don't believe he's going to get vaccinated.

    1. Pawpaw,
      if someone has been dead for 10 yrs and still vote ? WTF. it happens in every state.
      they are going to use the vax thing to try and exclude conservatives, pure and simple.
      but let illegal immigrants vote with no ID ?
      Bullshit indeed.

  3. We completed the "vax" for that shit in 1784, maybe its time for a booster

  4. Our founding fathers, and some north/south families, would've been shooting long before any of this. Loooong before any of this.
    Just saying.

  5. I wonder if unvaxxed voters who are kept from voting might find ways to cancel democrat vaxxed voters?

    1. Or what about cancelling democrat vaxxed politicians who are running for office?

  6. The ones who are proposing this travesty have not considered the unintended consequences....

  7. I don't see a problem with requiring a Notvaxx certificate in order to vote. My wife and I have stopped voting, as there are no differences between the two main parties.
    The Republican branch of the Uniparty would be most affected by the loss of voters, until the death rate among the vaxxed Dems goes up; that, to me, is a win-win.

  8. It will never pass. By proving you're vaccinated you would also be providing your ID and we all know that that would be "disenfranchising" voters that don't have an ID. We certainly don't want to require an ID to vote do we.

  9. Think about it....
    Vaxxx card to vote....
    but voter photo id is racist.


  10. Just wait until they find out the vaccination rate for blacks is 10%.

  11. I'd like to think that the judiciary would shoot down the "you have to be vaxxed to vote" plan but I think we all know better.....

  12. I had a leftist point out one time that they decide based on feelings. People on the right use facts and logic. So contradictions like voter I'd is racist and requiring Vax id's is not a problem for them.


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