
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Commentary: Joe Biden, the Deep State Puppet

I almost feel sorry for Joe Biden. 

The emphasis, I hasten to add, is on the adverb. Perhaps, if he didn’t make me feel thoroughly sorry for the United States of America, my sympathy for him would be unalloyed. But even many in Biden’s own party are aghast at his performance as president.


  1. I used to think the guy was a douchbag, but now? Whenever I look at him I think it may not be demonic possession, but something else is spinning the hampster wheel in there.

    1. No, go with your first impression...he is a paedophile, and demonically controlled douchbag.

  2. for someone with no skills or anything else going for him. the fucker has done very well selling people out his whole life. can you name one thing this guy did to better the world or anyone else besides himself ? that be like feeling sorry for nancy or any of the other grifters that live and steal everyday in the dump of clowns. sorry is not what I feel when I look at the mess they made while getting rich on our dime.
    anyone else retires after hitting 65 or so, not these fucks who love getting off on the power and all those inside deals. and they wonder why the public hate them ?

    1. Every word you wrote is true. When virtue and benevolence are willingly abandoned vice and corruption fill the void while hate, boister and self loathing tag along for a free ride.

  3. What if Biden has already been worked on (think AI implants) and his thoughts are not his own but something else is transmitting remotely?

  4. "aghast at his performance as president"

    They shouldn't be, because he isn't.

    1. Exactly, you cannot steal the Presidency of the United States. Voter fraud nullifies everything this commie has done in the fake office.

  5. I’ll never believe that POS won the election “fair and square”.

    1. I'm reasonably proficient at math, given my engineering degree from a top 5 public university and my track record of success in technical work. BTW, Im also less than 2 semesters away from a Master's in history. Flat fact: with a little over 160 million registered voters (according to USAToday) in the last Presidential "election," and historical turnout for at least 50 years being 68 percent or less, there is no F'ing way there was the 90-ish percent registered voter turnout required to deliver the 80 plus million alledged Biden votes happened for the supercilious incompetent midwit senile political hack who couldn't draw a four figure crowd at any of his rallies against an incumbent transformational populist whose rallies consistently exceed venue capacity and whose policies resulted in an economic boom that handily eclipsed the Kennedy and Reagan booms.

  6. The author states "No one has yet taken credit for the attacks, but no one has to: everyone knows who is behind them. A prelude to an invasion?" I guess his vocabulary doesn't include false flag. A sure sign of a naive person.

  7. Everyone -on both sides- are just saying what they think they need to to get re-elected so they can keep stealing and raping.


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