
Friday, February 18, 2022

And I laughed and laughed and laughed.....

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. - The bicycle ride was hard enough already. 

And then add in getting charged by a bull. 

At least two videos have surfaced showing a bull in Bakersfield, Calif., charging a bicyclist, participating in the Rock Cobbler, an 80-mile course described as a "stupidly hard (bike) ride bordering on a race," according to the website.


  1. So the vid at the top of the story is about 1:10. Except it loops the same 20 seconds or so 3 fucking times. What genius put that together?

  2. Let's form a committee and discuss our course of action. We can present our list of demands to the bull and recommend binding arbitration to resolve this impasse.

    Geez are Cali bike rider lame and why are the riding in someone's pasture?

    1. Presumably because that's the route the Rock Cobbler organizers put together. Unless the cyclist took a wrong turn.

  3. Starker here,
    According to the page, they were...".participating in the Rock Cobbler, an 80-mile course..."
    The name says it all. The mords are wixed though.
    Just sayin'.

  4. LMAO , I wish we had bulls in Berkeley.

  5. Where are all these ESL proofreaders coming from?


  6. WTF did they think was going to happen? They're riding through the bull's domain uninvited, so he wants them gone. And it's his choice, not there's. Bully for him!

  7. Note to bike riders: Several national parks have groups of smiling buffalo with which you can take close-up selfies.


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