
Friday, February 18, 2022

Dude's on a roll

A man who is now in custody was arrested three times within 16 hours Sunday in Glendale. 

The first incident leading to his arrested occurred around 3 a.m. Feb. 13, when patrol officers observed a man — later identified as 47-year-old James Langdon of Los Angeles — pacing in a parking lot near the intersection of Colorado and Louise streets, the Glendale Police Department said in a news release.


  1. The jaywalking was BS, but the criminal trespassing was not. If he were not released for 5he trespassing, it would have prevented the burglary and $6k in damage to the apartment.

  2. He was a clear and present danger. They should have smoked him after he broke into the apartment.

  3. Don't they drop all charges for a hat trick?

  4. An awful lot of bullshit to cut through in this piece of "journalism". Is this guy a drug addled vagrant, or an illegal? There's too many things were not allowed to say or know to believe much of anything we're presented with these days.

  5. Was this guy a stunt double for Hunter Biden? Was he just looking for his free government crack pipe?


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