
Friday, February 18, 2022

Yeah, that job would drive me to drinking too

FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. — Authorities arrested a school bus driver Wednesday to face charges including at least 15 counts of child neglect after sheriff’s deputies said he drove a school bus loaded with dozens of children onboard while he was drunk, WFTV reported.


  1. Home sweet home. I didn't check to see what bus he was driving because if were to find out one of my children was on it I'd have to shoot him.

  2. I'd rather have some drunks driving a bus my child was on than some of the dingbat wimminz they hire.

  3. The one person who remains unimpressed by a lion tamer locking himself in a cage full of lions.

  4. In junior high, me and my best friend were the last two kids on our bus. As soon as the other kids were off-loaded, we'd spark up a joint. The driver finally said one day "hey, could you share that." We happily obliged and thought it was the coolest thing ever! We did it for months!


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