
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

In Wisconsin, Hospital Shortages Aren’t From Covid, They’re From Vaccine Mandates

Andrea Babinski never imagined she would be forced to get a vaccine to keep her nursing job.

“When people would say stuff like, ‘Oh, mask mandates today and slippery slope to vaccine mandates tomorrow,’ I thought, ‘No, that’s crazy. That sounds like a conspiracy theory, like wacko people,'” she said.


  1. For the life of me I do not understand how business's can get away with mandating and coercing employees to participate in a human gene therapy experiment in violation of the Nuremburg code.

    These fucking jabs under the EUA MUST be voluntary and with informed consent. There IS NO Informed consent as the packaging inserts with the detailed info and side effects is BLANK.

    Now we know the jabs do NOTHING to stop infection or the spread of the WuFlu just like the masks are completely worthless and do nothing but HARM the wearer.

  2. The stories on hospital staffing problems are all over the airwaves, and not a single one of them mentions the fact that they are mostly due to a mass rejection of mandates.

    1. Yep.
      Hospital near my town has tried to force ICU nurses to take 3 patients on ventilators. They’re VERY short on staff due to the jab mandate.
      The State Board of Nursing has already jammed that stupid idea up the ass of hospital administrators in another city.
      The standard is 2 pts for every ICU nurse for good reason.
      I hope for everyone’s sake that happens here!
      Nurses - some of them already NotaVaxxed - have said “Fuck it, I’m outta here”.
      The hospitals are throwing HUGE $$$ at any nurse that will show up - EVEN IF THEY’RE WUFLU POSITIVE!!
      Jumping the shark doesn’t even begin to describe it.

  3. Besides the underlying globalism problem, this is fed gov run amok. Print magical dollars, set up the carrot and the stick. Doesn't matter if a "grant" or medicare dollars. As soon as you take it you fall under a slew of "regulations", you agree to it by taking the money. That is how they wield their power right now, look for more stick and less carrot as people become more accustomed to and or dependent on it. Fed gov was NEVER meant to have this much power. We left the ideals of the constitution long ago in that respect. Result today is forcing genetic therapy on folks by way of blackmail. Wonder what it will be tomorrow?~~dirtroadlivin

  4. The one thing you can count on from the criminals and bean counters in charge in healthcare is LIES. Nothing coming from healthcare administration can be believed. And with the excess cash the Fed Gov shovels at hospitals for each and every Covid patient the parasites in charge.....who never even see let alone touch a patient....are getting rich, while the employees get shafted. Been in healthcare 45 years, the corruption and incompetence of management is reaching levels that simply cannot be described.

  5. Nationwide, Hospital Shortages......



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