
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Commentary: All of Joe Biden’s Multitude of Failures Were Foreseeable in 2020

Every single one of senile president Joe Biden’s struggles was easily foreseeable. 

It’s a bold statement, since many if not most of the issues that confront a new president can’t always be seen from a distance. If it can be said that elections are always about the future, it’s just as true to claim that the future would almost certainly be shaped by yet unseen events and circumstances that no politician could forthrightly discuss in the lead-up to his victory.


  1. Everything that Biden accused a Trump administration of during the campaign has come true. It's like they used his statements as a playbook or something.


  2. this is bozo third term. same group of clowns in there doing the same dumb ass shit.
    the problem is, they not dumb, they doing this on a plan to drag this country down in order to rebuild it the way they want. these people are not stupid by any means, they just evil and are willing to rule over the ashes if that is what it takes to get their way.

  3. "victory," my ass

  4. I cannot emphasize this enough: Stock up, stock up, stock up. Prices are stupid high today. In six months they'll be way worse. In a year, you'll be in pain, just to eat. These are the 'good old days'.

  5. And in other breaking news, water has been found to be wet.


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