
Friday, April 08, 2022

I've been that fucked up before

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - An arrest affidavit stated Metro Police arrested a man after he allegedly drove the opposite way on I-24 in an attempt to “burp himself.”


Did you know that the reflectors on a freeway reflect back red from your headlights if you're going the wrong way?
Don't ask me how I know.


  1. With his likely ethnic back ground, oppression status and only being two anda half times over the alc. limit, I'm rather surprised he was treated so poorly. S/

  2. True on the red if they've upgraded from the old Bot's Dots, which didn't reflect.

  3. On my way to a Beat Farmers gig at the Coach house in San Clemente, I saw a dead bear cub at a freeway offramp. Probably killed by a car.

    On the way home after the show, there was a car going the wrong way in the center breakdown lane. I got over to give plenty of room, he blazed past at about 70 MPH.

    A mile or two later, as my heart rate slowed, another car pulled up next to me.
    Guy in the back seat rolled down the window and stuck his head out. I figured he had something to say so I rolled down my window too.
    He just puked out the window.

    Fucking amateurs.

    1. Beat Farmers/Lakeside Trailer Park

      RIP Country Dick Montana

  4. I thought everybody knew that!

  5. I turned off of a freeway onto what I thought was a 2-lane highway out in rural Virginia once. It was about 1:00 AM and I was in unfamiliar territory. There was no other traffic out at that hour, thank God. But about a half mile later, I knew something was wrong when I noticed the highway signs were all facing away from me! Shit! I'M GOING THE WRONG WAY!! I immediately pulled off the road and did a quick turn-around to get going in the proper direction and then did another U-turn at the next cut-through to get going where I needed to go.

    Did I mention that I was sober as a judge - hadn't had a drop! I guess I was just tired, which can be just as bad. I also didn't see a single other vehicle during that entire experience.


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