
Monday, May 23, 2022

Because ONE person tested positive...

An NYC patient has tested positive for the same genus virus as monkeypox sparking calls from the health department for residents to wear masks indoors - just as New Yorkers were finally returning to mask-free normalcy after COVID-19.


  1. Don't want to catch this version of monkey pox? Don't have gay sex.... every case in Europe, Can and the US involves gay men involved in casual hook ups. So rather than locking the world down again the smart move would be tell gays to stop having sex with tandom strangers.


  2. The only people at risk of monkeypox are people who were never vaccinated against smallpox.
    Widespread smallpox vaccination ended in 1977 with the eradication of the disease so anyone younger than 50 who never served in the military is potentially at risk.

  3. And it's looking like the spreading site was an LGBTQ festival (in Spain, IIRC). Quelle surprise!

  4. A handful of cases of yet another low risk virus and the 4kin' bandwagon's full of the usual self-serving nutcases.

  5. According to a couple articles I read elsewhere, this outbreak was modeled about a year ago as an "exercise" in some world health organization. There's also another article that referenced a scientific paper put out by ... guess who ... on how the lab "engineered" a new more virulent monkey pox virus through gain of function research.


  6. WestcoastDeplorableMay 23, 2022 at 5:39 PM

    This just in! Reports out of Wuhan indicate the creative scientists in the lab there also had a go with amplifying the 'ol Pox to make it that much more communicable.
    And you guys do know Fauci had a lot to do with the Aids epidemic, don't you?
    My question is, why the hell aren't a lot of these people being charged and going to prison? Our system of "Just-Us" must not be functioning.

  7. and it was just this time last year the WHO had a tabletop exercise on "what if money, sorry monkey pox became the next global scamdemic", who'da thunked it?!

  8. Faggots need to quit fucking monkeys! Case closed.

  9. The latest variant



  10. Saw some shit last night that said the pox is a side effect of the pfizer jab. Dunno how true that is, but wouldn't surprise me. Its odd that the gov ordered a shitload of the pox treatment nearly a year ago, and now all of a sudden, we got random monkey pox?

    Glad I dodged that jab.


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