
Friday, July 15, 2022

A raging success!

FAIRFIELD, Calif. — A Northern California police department collected almost 100 guns during a buyback event in Fairfield. 

Saturday's event brought in a total of 92 firearms, the Fairfield Police Department said on social media.


Let's see, there's about 110,000 people in Fairfield and they collected a whopping 92 firearms, and I'm going to guess at least half of them were junk guns nobody wanted anyway.


  1. i wonder how many of those guns were stolen, the rightful owner will never get them back now. maybe they were used in a crime , do the police check them against open crimes for a ballistics match? nope its anonymous.

  2. There was a story a few years ago about a Boy Scout troop that collected as many junk firearms as possible and turned them all in for the buyback money. They turned in rusted, unfireable firearms and used the money to fund firearms safety classes.

  3. How many guns did the police sell? Are they losing money buying them back now?
    Should police be selling guns?
    Do they have any deals on ammo?

  4. I can't wait until the nearest blue city to my home has a similar program. I have a junk black powder pistol and a semi-auto 12ga I won in a raffle that is a POS and won't cycle. I'll happily sell them to the blue morons and take the money I get to go and buy a serviceable firearm. What a deal!!

  5. You cannot buy back what was never yours!

  6. I have no problem with VOLUNTARY buy back programs. If widow Johnson wants to go on to her reward knowing her dearly departed husband Charlie's rifle has been safely removed from being used to take innocent lives. more power to her.

    Its the 'Sell your evil gun to us or suffer the consequences' is where a line has been drawn. These often have limited prices also, so your firearm may be severely undervalued.

  7. The other half were probably stoled. If they do check against reported stolen guns they will destroy them anyway.

  8. Maybe collectively we could set up a gun buyback private sector style. Or even a president buyback….hey now we’re talking

  9. Fairfield PD running low on throwdowns?


    1. BINGO! My thoughts, exactly.

    2. I'm sure a lot of them were from old widows too.

  10. I need to find one of those gun buybacks. I inherited two Bryco 380's. Neither will feed a second round and no gun shop will accept them in a trade.

  11. I have heard of people going to these buybacks and standing outside. As folks go in - especially those old widows with their late husband's rifle - they look them over and make a reasonable offer, more than what the cops are willing to pay. Most are, like you say, junk. But every now and then a good deal is found.


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