
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How These Defensive Gun Uses Could Land You In Prison

There is a thin line when using your gun in self-defense between justified and unjustified homicide.

I went to USCCA's Proving Grounds, where they put me through realistic scenario-based training where I would likely use my gun in self-defense.

After going through these intense scenarios, I sat with a former state prosecutor to discuss the thin line between justified & unjustified homicide. 

However, as important as the gun is when it comes to self-defense, it's also about the training and ensuring you're prepared.

VIDEO HERE  (16 minutes)


  1. Yeah right... never admit to any training. If you fear for your life shoot to stop. Easy as that. Serious overcomplicated.

  2. As an escapee from the New York Penal Colony, I know of what you speak. A prosecutor will argue hollow points shows intent of homicide. I carry Gold Dots, if its good enough for the FBI to carry its good enough for me too.

    1. Better yet, I carry what ammunition the local PD carries. Speer Gold Dots

  3. I only carry when im out with my wife and or children, grandkids. If im on my own ill take my chances compliance, fight or flight. The just us system is stacked against a regular white guy like meselves. They would be better off with my life insurance policy than going bankrupt in a futile attempt to keep me out of prison.

  4. I always say, you're never better off dead.

  5. Shoot to defend your life not your stuff.

  6. What happens to you after a "defensive gun use incident" depends far more on the political beliefs and agenda of the prosecutor/DA then on the actual facts involved.

    1. Bingo. That's what I always tell people. There is no Rule of Law anymore. It's what the DA feels like doing.

    2. The recent scapegoat attempt by NY scum DA on the bodega worker defending himself is a good example.
      Better indicted than dead, I say.


  7. Let's say you're in a restaurant that's fairly crowded. 2 men walk in and announce it's a robbery but unlike the scenario #2, one of the gunmen fires a round into the ceiling. One walks around collecting wallets and purses. The other guy who is watching turns his back to my table and I ease my weapon out and shoot him in the back of the head. The collector flees.

    I assert that once a weapon is pulled on me, that's enough of a deadly threat for me to shoot to kill if I get the chance.

    Yea or nah?

  8. “Ability-opportunity-jeopardy”

  9. Off topic comment / question -

    The 'Related Videos' to the right of the video features, predictably, several Massad Ayoob offerings. I think the guy gives great advice, but why does he insist upon wearing that ridiculous ten dollar piece on top his head?

    1. Rumor has it, as a wee tyke, the toop was a gift from his granny just moments before she passed.
      According to some researchers, the toop belonged to his great-great-gramps, but instead of atop his noggin, gggrampa wore it across his left bosom, indicating his affiliation with the notorious 'This Is My Real Hair' club for men.
      [Your humble correspondent admits to a certain 'journalistic lee-way' in a few of the peripheral details.]


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