
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Wonderful - now even more will come

TIJUANA (Border Report) — One of Mexico’s most renowned economists is predicting Mexico will reach a 10 percent inflation rate by the end of the year, which would be “disastrous and could lead to famine in some parts of the country.”


  1. Guess what, one does not need to be a meteorologist to know which way the wind blows. One does not need to be a hicken to know a rotten egg, And one does not need to be an economist to know that the inflation rate will be 10+ percent and probably a lot more.

  2. We're good to go as long as we lave "breakfast tacos."

    1. You think that’s what Jill was hinting at? Turn the illegal invaders into tacos,
      Two birds, one stone!


  3. Ha. Leave Mehico with 10% inflation to come to the Estates Unis which has actual 12-15% inflation. Right...


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