
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Commentary: Ahead of Midterms, 14 States Improve Election Integrity Laws

With primaries underway and with midterms and other fall ballot contests looming, multiple states are demonstrating a commitment to ensuring that their elections remain worthy of public confidence.

Since 2021, The Heritage Foundation has been tracking the content of every state’s laws (plus the District of Columbia since it casts three electoral college votes for president) governing the conduct of elections—local, state, and federal—and ranking them in its Election Integrity Scorecard. It does this by comparing them to a set of best practices criteria developed by Heritage. Now more than halfway through 2022, it’s time to take stock of the relevant laws enacted this year, and the resulting changes, both positive and negative, in election integrity.


  1. Big fucking deal. None of the seven states where the 2020 steal took place have done anything and these are really the only ones that matter. Our votes mean nothing.

  2. Only laws that Nevada cares about are the laws protecting casinos and hoor-houses.

  3. Hey, I fixed that barn door. I woulda started working on it sooner, but I was busy watching the horse's ass disappear over the horizon first.

  4. But none of those laws remove democrats or rinos from counting the vote in secret or locking the election center from new votes after polls close.


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