
Monday, August 15, 2022

Just in time for the mid-terms!

An international team of scientists is monitoring a new virus that has infected at least 35 people in eastern China and is thought to have potentially emerged in shrews and passed on to humans.


  1. They found it in shrew?

    Nancy "Grey Goose" Pelosi, or Kamelehaha (Cackles) Harris?

  2. Not a problem. This so-called shrew virus has been around since Wille Shakespeare was a boy.

  3. Wasn't the shrew virus dicovered when reviewing the blood tests from Fauci's wife, Dr. Birx, Doctor Jill, Hildabeast, AOC, piglousy, I. Omar, Cheney....all political shrews are known asymptomatic carriers/hosts. Quarantine and vax with cyananide. Do it for all the little baby chirrins' MAGA.

  4. I think the only reason this shit gets reported is to keep the wild eyed leftists up in a lather! This latest rash will probably not even show up here but the media has got to stir the pot! I fully expect this shit to keep flying until the 2024 presidential elections. Enough!

  5. Apart from the misogynist slant, what do you have to do to a shrew to catch this deadly virus?
    And no, I do not want to see pictures.

  6. Sorry.
    All government agencies lost all credibility!
    Blow me!

  7. The West is the cradle of civilization.
    The East is the cradle of disease.

  8. Stay away from the Beef Shrew❗️

  9. They still have a couple of months to whip up a real doozy of a New! Deadly! Unstoppable! virus that requires drastic measures. Actually I don't think they, as stupid and insane as they are, would expect the same con to work again...but you never know!

  10. Heh..I reported that a week ago.
    How about the latest Covid variant?
    Covid is here for good but people have woken up and won't play that game any more.
    Time for something new to scare the masses, like war...

  11. If not this virus then something else will be used as their excuse.....


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