
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Lawsuits in 3... 2... 1...

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) – A Florida mother is opening up about her decision to remove her lesbian daughter from a private Christian school with a policy that gay students are not welcome and “would be asked to leave immediately.” 

Never mind, skip the lawsuits and go straight to the death threats:

Leaders of a Christian school in Florida have received death threats after saying they will only refer to students by their sex assigned at birth and pupils who are LGBTQ will be asked to leave.


  1. Leftists always remind me of the Mohammedans.....


  2. This tactic is a perfect example of what neurotic obsessed Progressive do. They're like the fucking annoying wives who browbeat their Harvey Milktoast husbands and continue to up the stakes. At some point these assholes buy themselves a spot in the backyard under the flower bed.

  3. Says "asked" not "told to leave"

  4. We the People will be the ones to put an end to this garbage. The push is definitely on to wreck America. We are a Christian nation, even though we’ve been infiltrated with rot from out.

  5. It's a private school. The can set whatever rules they wish. Don't like the rules, go somewhere else. Reverse the situation. A private school where only LGBTQFREAKS are allowed.....the media and Fed Gov would be standing in lines to defend that schools right to discriminate.

    1. Ahh we have a winner!

      Their hypocrisy is their doom.

      Use their words/definitions against them.


  6. So mom is paying $6500/year tuition because (and I'm just spit-balling here) she wants her daughter to have a quality education.
    If that's the case, honey, tell your little girl to skip the box lunches and eat in the cafeteria instead.

  7. It all started when they came out of the closet.
    Now they have parades to show their proclivities.
    Fuck the lgbhq, fags,homos,cross-dressers, lesbos...if I'm not fucking you. I don't give a shit what you decided....

  8. "mental health is more important.” This is the trigger when you know you're dealing with fucked up parents. You're kid needs stress. You're kid needs to have some degree of discomfort. You're kid needs some degree of bullying. It's called growing the fuck up and it's what makes people strong, or in her kid's case, weak. As the shortest kid in school I was bullied mercilessly as a youngster. In hindsight, that and how my dad taught me how to deal with it, made me who I am today. Nothing, no one, no situation is too big for me to deal with. Thanks dad. And screw these whiney parents that want their kids to have a life of "comfort".

  9. Private Christian School. Full stop right there. On that jury I would laugh all day.

  10. If it was a muslim school the daughter would be getting the death threats.

  11. Once again the truth gets you in trouble!

  12. Didn't read the handbook, Mom?
    And your kid's not the ghey, you are, most likely.

  13. I'm seeing more and more of true Americans coming out of the shadows and taking a stand. I think a lot of people have had enough of this shit and are starting to speak out and saying no. Least I hope so and they sure have my support.

  14. About $10/year tuition? CHEAP!
    Here is "Beaver Country Day School" in East Massholia for comparison.

    $58,805 per annum. (For those prices you'd BETTER get Latin.)


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