
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Have they not heard that Biden says the 'pandemic' is over?

Judging from how the flu has roared back in Australia and other countries south of the Equator, experts are predicting a particularly nasty season for the U.S. this winter. At the same time, many Americans are also making plans to strengthen their defenses against COVID-19 with the omicron-specific booster, but should they be taken at the same time?


Sorry, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I take an injection of any type after the medical profession fell all over themselves trying to appease the politicians in this country. The trust is gone.


  1. I'll see an witchdoctor before I get an opinion from an MD

    Chutes Magoo

  2. I agree 100% with Mr. Wirecutter. I was a life-long flu-shot-getter, out of a sense of duty and obligation to do the right thing. No more.


    1. How does one have a "sense of duty and obligation to do the right thing" by getting a shot that's supposed to help with the flu?
      I'm not judging, but I have a hard time following the logic.

  3. Nope. Got the flu shot every year, without fail, for more than 30 years. The medical industrial complex screwed the pooch on this one. I don’t trust them and I don’t trust doctors, nurses, or anyone else associated with this profession after all the Tik Tokking, mask naziism, and BS surrounding this mess. I won’t live long enough for them to regain my confidence.

  4. I'll keep up with Diptheria, Cholera, and all the other old old diseases that can and will kill you and yours given half a chance.

    Against flus? Nope, nopey nope nope.

    1. Only if I get a written guarantee...
      that no covid1984 “vaccine”...
      has been combined with them.

    2. Screw written guarantees. I want them to post a 7 figure financial bond, that pays me in the event they fuck me over. Let the untrustworthy drug pushers take the risks this time.

  5. Got Moderna shot #1 & 2 then Moderna booster in November 2021. 7 weeks later, at 79 with no prior blood problems I was diagnosed with acquired hemophilia and spent 3 weeks in 2 hospitals. Docs said somehow my antibodies went wacky and suddenly started attacking my clotting factor. During my hospitalization I asked at least 15 "experts" if the MNRA in the Moderna caused it. Everyone of them replied with absolute silence.

    1. Although you will never be the same there's a way you can purge yourself of that poison. You just have to do some research. --sammy

  6. The flu shot is always a crapshoot since they have to guess which strain(s) are going to be the dominate ones each year then manufacture the vaccines with that recipe. About 6 years ago, they guessed the top 3, but the vaccines were still shit. Turns out, how they produce the vaccine by growing them in eggs modifies the virus so that it is a mutated version of what the wild strains are which severely reduces the effectiveness, as in these shots are 40% effective at best.
    If you insist on getting a flu shot, insist on one grown in dog cells or insect cells. These don't have the same mutation problem as the egg grown versions. Good luck finding those though. They aren't very common.

  7. After what happened to the people that got the covid shots I don't think it's a good idea to trust these people to not put something I don't want in a flu shot. So, no, I will never get another flu shot.

  8. In order to receive a $40/mo reduction in my medical insurance cost I am required to receive an annual flu shot amongst other requirements. Guess I'm out $480 next year.

  9. If Joe decreed the pandemic over, then they word isn't making it down the food chain. I was in the Social Security office this morning and they were in in full-blown panic mode; everybody masked, 6-foot separation, ect.

    1. It is just like them saying the border is closed Saying the pandemic is over and not changing a thing. That statement about the pandemic is over is for the cnn/msnbc watchers.

  10. doctors trying too hard to curry favor with cabal... be yer own physician and research herbs and supplements... went to the employer (civilian here, werk for army) again and said well the pandemic is over per joe. nope, they say we werk for lloyd austin and he hasnt said a word. i tell these pukes in person i werk for snuffy and the taxpayer - not austin or esper, et al... also re doctors see this one...

  11. “The trust is gone”, yes.

  12. Hands up, anybody who trusts these people not to slip us a little Covid vaxx with one of our other shots, "because". I was in the middle of getting the pneumovax when Covid got rolling and had to wait 18 months to finish them up. When I got the final one, i was kicking myself after for not checking the vial, to make sure I was getting what I expected.
    Damn straight. Trust is gone.

    1. I was supposed to go in for a medical procedure where I'd be put under. After thinking about it I figured they'd give me that poison shot when I was out. I called and cancelled.

  13. The entire pharmaceutical AND medical industry *completely* trashed what credibility they had. Anyone placing one iota of trust in any doctor or nurse involved in this crap, has been targeted by Darwin. Clock's ticking.


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