
Tuesday, October 04, 2022

"Mommy, can I have an Arkansas doll?"



  1. Arkansas. A teenage girls saw smoke in the distance. Soon fire dept, ambulance and trucks with flashing lights were going past her house. She ran to her father. Daddy, take me to the fire! He said gimme a blow job and I will. Daddy I don't wanna suck that thing, take me to the fire! Gimme a blow job and I will. Oh alright lemme have it. She grabs his dick and starts blowing him and stops and says Daddy, this thing tastes like shit. He replied, Well, your brother wanted to go too.

  2. This is a symptom of a larger issue. You will note that whites (especially southern, non-city dwellers) are the only demographic that anyone is permitted to make fun of. You would never see a "Welfare Queen" doll that featured a black woman with three kids and (sold separately) a baby daddy who went out for cigarettes and never returned.
    It's just the same old, tired "white people from the south are uneducated hicks" that constantly comes from northern, Yankee city people who consider themselves better than us.

    1. You probably won't see the doll in the photo sold either. It's a photoshop for the humor, don't you think?
      And yes, I've posted several memes like the one Welfare Queen you describe.

  3. I woulda guessed a Britney Spears doll, but I don't think she gets along with her father.

  4. Pull the string in the back and it says "Get off me Daddy, you're crushing my smokes!"

  5. If she was a West Virginia doll, the comment balloon would have said, "If she ain't good enough for her own family, she ain't good enough for mine."


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