
Friday, October 21, 2022

Your Friday Evening Florida Report

A couple is facing charges after they were filmed torturing a small kitten while swimming at a local beach - throwing the helpless animal feet in the air like a pool toy and into the shoulder-deep water. 

When approached by outraged onlookers, the suspects, 27-year-old John Laguerre and Jamarria Wayne, 22 - joked and demanded $1,000 from the Good Samaritans just to stop.

The incident transpired late last month in Miami and saw both suspects arrested by officers on the sands of scenic Sunny Isles Beach - but not before resisting arrest and even almost biting one of the officers.
-Tennessee Budd


Who in their right minds thinks that terrifying an animal like that is okay?


  1. guess the race.
    That'll answer your question

  2. Well, garbage human beings think it's just fine. Go figure.

  3. Loved the comments in the article-- "What kind of human would do this?" Welp, look at the picture. That kind of "human."

  4. Always a good idea to go to white beaches

  5. So, they demanded $1000 to stop torturing the kitten. How about someone beats the living shit out of both of you asswipes until you are unconscious and then flings your carcasses into deep water ? Does that work for you?

    1. Works for me, and if you won't let me help at least let me watch and cheer you on.

  6. They are throwing the kitten cuz they don't have a human baby. Shit like this has no place in civilized society.

  7. Replies
    1. Indeed. My wife and I found a lot of places we like but the demographs sucked. We finally bought where we are now. The county is 81% white, 13% black and 15% spanish. It's a farming area hence the working spanish. Crime is mainly personal property though there is violent crime too. It's safer than the State and National averages. 36% of us are Veterans. Plus 62% conservative and I expect that to go up in Nov. Least I hope so.

    2. How do you have 81% plus 13 plus 15? That’s 109%.

  8. Wouldn't be surprised if there are priors arrests, convictions.

  9. I sure hope I'm right in my belief that the Lord has a special place in heaven for people who are kind to animals and a ring side seat at the Lake of Fire for those who are not.

  10. There is a story with photos about this event over at American Digest

  11. The older I get, the more crimes I think deserve the death penalty. I'm at the point right now where it's anything more than not putting enough quarters in the parking meter. Prison just doesn't scare most people anymore, especially "gingers". Don't get me wrong, I'd just as soon drop a Caucasian chomo into a wood chipper.

  12. I woulda shot them both dead without a blink.
    Hate abuse & neglect of children and animals.
    There's never any excuse for cruelty, but there should be retribution.



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